Rahul Gandhi is Young and India is Young, that’s it.

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Rajiv Gandhi said ‘India is an old country but a young nation'.But the opposition then felt and now feels that Youth is inexperience.
"Opposition says this because their candidate cannot win an election! Indians decide who the best person to lead the nation is and if they decide it's a Gandhi then be it. They are the winners/Champs and people love them. " responds a writer on a social blogging site when quizzed on the issue.
It was under Nehru Gandhi vision that India set up world class engineering university called IIT that every one raves about. Space program, civilian nuclear deal, Tech Revolution, which everyone is so happy about, was also promoted by Rajiv Gandhi. Do we have to remind it was the Congress led Gov that opened up the economy in 1990's?
History tells us that whenever the ruling power has gone to the so called ‘substitutes' of Congress party , there is a strong anti incumbency in a few years .Sorry to say once again that they are the Congress top leadership appears closest to the ‘common man' and people have put them in power in a democratic process.

As for the critics of Rahul Gandhi claiming he is too young or not experienced. Once again , sorry to tell the critics that experience is over rated. Its leadership that really counts when it comes to leading a nation. USA has had many good young leaders who did a great job just to mention a few, JFK, BILL CLINTON and now OBAMA. If they can run the world's most powerful nation then why can't a young leader run India?
India is a young nation and needs a young leader who can understand their problems. It is the farsightedness of Dr Manmohan Singh that he acknowledges this fact.

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