Qualities That a Good Phoenix Divorce Attorney Should Have

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With the legal intricacies of divorce, going through the process may be overwhelming and stressful. Thus, it is necessary to get the services of a divorce lawyer to guide you and educate you about the relevant information that you need to know to be well-equipped for this complex undertaking. The following are the qualities that you should look for in choosing a good divorce attorney in Phoenix,


A divorce attorney in Phoenix should have extensive experience in dealing with divorce cases. The lawyer should also specialize in family law so that you can ensure that the lawyer who will represent you is competent and possess adequate skills and knowledge concerning your case.

Has a Calm Personality

The personality of the divorce attorney is a key factor in choosing the right one for you. You should not hire impatient or aggressive lawyers because they will not help you very much. You should choose a calm attorney that will help you through the stressful divorce. In addition, you need a lawyer to provide enough time for you and be willing to listen to your needs. He or she should be able to sincerely understand what the most important thing is for you in your divorce case.

Uses New Technology

It is highly favorable that your lawyer is adept to technology. Using email or chat to communicate with your divorce attorney will help you in so many ways as long as the divorce lawyer is not opposed to this. This is because you will have less intense emotion when talking about settlements, the custody of the children and other related aspects.


One of the most important qualities a divorce attorney should have is to be straightforward. This is because due to the distressful situation, many divorce attorneys tend to avoid touching some sensitive subjects instead of putting them on the table. Your lawyer should be honest in every aspect even the ones that can be hurtful to you. He should be capable of enlightening your mind by providing direct and factual information.

Understands That Divorces are Complex

Divorce is a very complex legal thing. Many divorce lawyers perceive that they understand that but they do not act accordingly. There are several factors involved in a divorce such as properties, children, families and other sensitive issues so your lawyer should fully understand the intricacy of the process. You may be able to assess this quality in the way a divorce lawyer talks about the case. If he or she only deals on winning or losing, look for another attorney.


You must be able to afford your divorce lawyer. You should discuss with him or her, the payment upfront and choose the best solution for both of you. You may either choose a flat fee or an hourly wage.

It may seem that finding a good divorce lawyer is a simple task. However, it is actually a tedious job that you must invest time and effort on. Try to be patient and carefully evaluate your divorce lawyer before hiring him or her.

For information on an Austin Divorce Lawyer visit the author's website, or its sister site on Houston Divorce Lawyers.

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