Green Hotels are Indeed the Evergreen Hotels

By: Ecogreen | Posted: 12th June 2009

Green hotels are the hotels which are established to recreate and serve the guest by maintaining the ecological balance and causing least harm to the flora and fauna on earth. Moreover, these hotels apply a wide range of different innovative ideas to conserve both the exhaustible and non-exhaustible sources of energy. Green hotels are the ultimate examples of eco-friendly business which is meant to benefit both -man and the environment.

Factors responsible for establishment of Green hotels:

*Government authorative rule
*Need to minimize the harmful effect of different sectors on the wide range of flora and fauna because of pollution and other reasons.
*A pollution free and greener accommodation demanded by the guests.
*The idea that green hotels save resources, are cost effective and still addresses the visitor's requirements.
*The idea that green hotels would not only be praised by the guests but also would help build a safer and greener world.

Energy conservation:

Green hotels not only conserve the renewable sources of energy but also save the non-renewable resources. Following are some judicious steps taken by green hotels to promote energy conservation:-

*Using timers in electrical and irrigation devices to conserve water and electrical energy.
*Planting the less water consuming plants.
*Using fluorescent lights and lamps to save electrical energy.
*Using light sensors to remind and educate the employees about wasted energy.
*Using rechargeable cells for official devices.
*Using more of natural light instead of artificial light if it is present.
*Buying the food and guest amenities in bulk.
*Arranging office meetings and conferences mostly in daytime.

Waste management:

Green hotels have taken some real appreciable steps in managing the waste and conserving the exhaustible resources by recycling and other methods. Following are some of the ways green hotels have adopted for waste management:-

*Using the soy based ink and recycles papers for stationary
*Using pitchers filled with tap water instead of mineral water bottles.
*Using cloth napkins instead of unlimited numbers of paper napkins.
*Managing an area for recycling the waste within the campus of the hotel.

"Green hotels are ideal for the visitors"

Every human being likes to breathe and dwell in a natural and greener accommodation which they hardly find in the city life which is full of pollution. Green hotels by providing an entire green accommodation satisfy this need of the visitors. Green hotels address all the needs of the visitors and are still so cost effective. Moreover, by staying in green hotels visitors also get to know about different ways to save energy in their daily lives. On top of that visitors really appreciate the idea of going green as they know that in some or the other way they are becoming responsible for a greener earth.

Green hotels certification:

There is a globally recognized third party green certification introduced by the UN and the respective administration meant for resorts and hotels. Green hotel certification is done on the point system. Following are the criterions for the assessment of green hotels:-
*Energy conservation,
*Waste management,
*Quality of air both inside and outside,
*Cultural and social issues.

Indeed, establishment of green hotels is a wonderful step in conserving energy and the environment. It is a very wise step in saving the mother earth from the burden of increasing pollution day by day and rather making it safer and greener. Hence go ahead and book a green hotel if you are going for a vacation- "Get a better world and create a better world".

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Tags: waste management, flora and fauna, renewable resources, sources of energy, innovative ideas, energy conservation, timers, renewable sources of energy, different sectors, electrical energy, ecological balance, light sensors