Jon and Kate Gosselin American dream come true?

By: Chris | Posted: 05th June 2009

Have you seen Jon and Kate Plus 8 on TLC? If you are like a lot of people you have. In fact, almost 10 million people watched this show in its season premier, more than that hit series Lost had for its last episode. Very interesting to see that this show is so popular on a second tier cable channel.
Interestingly enough, the couple featured on this show have been having their own problems. Jon and Kate are apparently broken up for good. Too bad, since their marriage has fueled a hit tv show and many magazine articles and media attention. In fact, this show has done wonders for TLC, which is trying to attract the all popular 18 to 34 year old crowd ( you know, the ones that spend the most money). So, why does this family hate all the attention, they signed up for it didn't they? I think they just wanted to make a little money by creating this reality show and thought no one would watch it on TLC, yet when it became a hit, they were not able to handle the publicity. In fact, Kate has gone as far as to say she is angry with the show and is upset that she has become famous. Duh! You signed up for this! When one puts their lives out there on camera, they should expect not only fortune, but the bad sides of fame like ridicule, embarrassment, and people digging through your trash cans. Kate seems to be most amazed that there are people that will follow her every move and write negative things about her. Go figure how that happens. She wants privacy, yet is on a reality show. So, if she really is this bitter and angry at the show, why not do whatever possible to sabotage it. Quit the show, act normally so no one would be interested, or simply sue to stop TLC from showing any more of your family. Buy them out, do something, but stop complaining. Now wait a minute, could it be that this is just a ruse. Duh! Of course she is complaining and causing a big stir, that is ratings magic. Have you ever heard there is no such thing as bad publicity. Well, I think Kate actually knows this and is smarter than she comes on. She is just causing a big fuss so that everyone will tune in and see what the Gosselins are like on T.V. Genius really. They couldn't really just think of themselves as just the normal American family that just happens to have a reality show. No, they know they are stars and they have to play the part. They have to do the same wacky things all the other stars do to draw attention to themselves. Next, you can foresee the drunken orgy at the Gosselin house during ratings time, or a revelation that someone is gay. It will happen. Come on, if these people were so concerned with being celebrities, they would have shut it down after episode one, done anything they could do to avoid publicity, and hide under a rock. But no, Kate is hitting the talk show circuit, talking to anyone she can and doing everything she can to bring even more attention to herself and family. Seems like it is working. Good job Kate.

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Tags: tv show, money, bad publicity, fortune, media attention, 10 million, trash cans, marriage, ridicule, embarrassment, fame, tlc, reality show, magazine articles