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Articles, tagged with "bad publicity", page 1

02nd April 2012

Five Biggest PR Stunts in History

There’s no such thing as bad publicity, the old saying goes. If an action or event puts your brand’s name in the forefront of your target market’s minds, it must be good. Never mind if the event has absolutely no connection with the product you’re selling...

04th May 2011

Reasons behind popularity of product review websites

Product review websites provide a platform to the consumers to vent their opinion regarding products they have used. The sites allow everyone irrespective of his age or profession to writer reviews on various products available in market. One can write hi...

05th March 2011

Cheap Three Mobile Phones – lowest cost reaches you just by three

There are lots many networks that are there in UK and lot many that are there in other parts of the world. But there is one that is in UK as well as in many other parts of the world that is Three. This one is that network that believes in rendering se...

03rd February 2011

The latest negative press regarding mobile recycling

There has been a some bad publicity pointed at the new breed of company who offer mobile phone recycling . It seems lots of clients have planned to cash in their mobile , however, people found the money landed in their bank people notic...

20th January 2011

The Kings of Late Night Comedy Television

Whether on a business trip or in the comfort of your own home, enjoying a few laughs is always the best way to unwind after a full day of work. These kings of late night television never fail to deliver the goods. In return, we’ve rewarded them with tens ...

02nd September 2009

Get More Twitter Followers Now Managing Your Online Reputation

Regardless of the size of your business and whether or not you or your business participate in social media, you need to pay attention to what is happening in the social media world. You can no longer bury customer complaints and problems in the bowels o...

05th June 2009

Jon and Kate Gosselin American dream come true?

Have you seen Jon and Kate Plus 8 on TLC? If you are like a lot of people you have. In fact, almost 10 million people watched this show in its season premier, more than that hit series Lost had for its last episode. Very interesting to see that this sh...

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