Electricity - A Free Resource

By: John Fisher | Posted: 03rd June 2009

Three renewable ways of creating electricity are from the sun, wind and water.

Some issues with these Sources of Energy are -

- Wind velocity varies throughout the year and is not always available in many parts of the world. Wind power is a source of energy on both a home and industrial scale.

- Solar energy is significantly reduced at night and when cloudy conditions prevail. Additional energy sources are usually required with solar energy in order to ensure security of supply

- Water power is probably the most consistent of the three energy sources, but is somewhat seasonable and is not practical on a home based scale. Water is definitely not available in many parts of the world

Storing electrical energy in batteries is the way to provide power for those times when a renewable source of electricity generation is not available.

This article brings some focus to the issue of wind energy and guides you to a web site where you can review ways of building your own cost-effective wind turbine, purchase parts or complete systems for electricity generation from home.

You can build your own home sized non-polluting wind power empire right in your back yard. The amount of electricity generated will depend on the quality and quantity of wind in your location.

A wind generator will range between a complete professionally installed system costing few thousand bucks to a system you can design and build on your own costing as little as $99 that can generate power up to 1000 watts.

So what about building your own home made wind generator Imagine what life would be without ever increasing electricity bills.

http://residentialwindgenerators.orgis a source of advice and equipment for planning and the successful completion of a wind power project

An excellent starting point is Here
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Tags: electricity bills, source of energy, energy sources, sources of energy, source of electricity, building your own home, sun wind, water power, wind and water, renewable source, electricity generation, wind turbine, wind generator