No Game but Hiking on Earth Day

By: tangyi | Posted: 17th April 2009

Every year April 22 is the day to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth's environment. We should be conscious of the importance of protecting the our planet since people are now living in a highly developing society. The bigger the population gets, the more serious the problems become. We have only one Earth, the common homeland of all humanbeings. Thirty-nine years had passed since the first Earth Day campaign hold in the United States. Now more and more participants and groups all over the world is taking part in the activity to give the original condition of the Earth it was to be. So what we can do for the Earth in the memorial day about to come?

Barbara Cooney, the international well-known artist told us a story in her artwork Miss Rumphius. The little girl in the story told her grandpa that she would travelling a long distance when growed up. Her grandpa reminded her to do one more thing: make up the world more beautiful. So the girl planted many lablabs along the coast. Who say you can not change the world?

There are one hundred million families leave their cars in home and go office and school instead in the United States. Volunteers go to the street distributing public leaflet and booklet to the passerby. Pupils plant trees as their determination of improving Earth's environment. People around us have been already on their way, and we can not get behind even as video gamers. Just turn off the console, make your way to the crowd and enjoy what the Earth grants us. Protect the Earth, save the world. Start at once.About the Author
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Tags: crowd, population, artwork, participants, hundred million, united states, passerby, long distance, memorial day, leaflet, cars, pupils, little girl, volunteers, nine years, grandpa, plant trees, earth day