Best Books Shape Our Personality & Character

By: infibeam | Posted: 18th June 2012

A good book on your shelf is a friend that turns its back on you and remains a friend. This quote written by an anonymous writer has become famous as the writer extols the value of good books in our life. For centuries, books have shaped our life, character and personality; from our school days to mature age, books have changed our minds and thoughts, and perhaps the way we live life. Take a look into the world history and it becomes crystal clear what role books have played in changing political, social, economic and moral fibers of great nations. Seeds of all historic revolutions were sown by great books; for example, April Theses inspired Russian Revolution and Uncle Tom’s Cabin was at the root of American Revolution.
Fiction is a literary genre that is as old as hill. From the ancient classics to modern day literature, readers have celebrated myriad novels, drama and poetry in different languages. In India, fictions have ruled the roost since Vedic age; recently, Gujarat has witnessed National Book Fair at Sabarmati River Front from May 1 to 7, 2012. The fair was flocked by unprecedented number of footfalls; here, visitors made a beeline for literary fictions from Hindi, Gujarati and English.
Some of the best selling books of Chetan Bhagat and Amish Tripathi sold like hot cake; other popular authors also received warm response from book lovers of Gujarat. Some of the life-changing stories were also on the racks and those include dramas of William Shakespeare, novels of Charles Dickens and poems of William Wordsworth. Moreover, the book fair also showcased the best 100 novels of 20th century. Some online publishers were also had stalls at the book fair and they displayed many upcoming books for pre-order.
This genre is mainly included of biographies, autobiographies, real-life adventure stories, management books, history, science, education, reference, philosophy, photography, social science, health & fitness, sports & recreation, business & economics, family & relationships and more. Some of the all-time hit biographies are The Private Life of Chairman Mao by Li Zhisui, Lives of Poets from James Boswell and My Sporting Heroes from Ian Botham. Management books include a list of titles from advertising, corporate communications, marketing, marketing research and other fields of management. History section takes you to the ancient & middle ages and you would love to travel virtually through the avenues of Europe, Americas, Asia, Africa and Australia.
Sachin Tendulkar - A Definitive Biography of Sachin Tendulkar – the god of cricket – was the cynosure of all eyes as many budding sportsmen wish to be like him. Business & economics has a collection of books on start-ups as young Indians like to take a plunge in business and want to emerge as a successful entrepreneur. Health & fitness is again a favourite subject with Indian readers for they love to stay fit in this highly nerve-racking world. At the same time, it is difficult to strike a perfect balance between personal and professional life, and hence a word of advice from family & relationship experts grabs attention of readers.
Whether fiction or non-fiction, books always help us in our life. Whenever people question the usefulness of literary fictions, my answer to them is: Literature is a mirror to our society; therefore, whatever happens in society is reflected in stories. So, literary works may not tell us true stories but they are stories based on truth. one of the leading online shopping portal in India which provide you the facility to buy books online, Books at Discount, Best Seller Books, Upcoming Books, Recent Books, top book and other collection of books at low price and free shipping across India.
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Tags: charles dickens, best selling books, william shakespeare, footfalls, hot cake