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Articles, tagged with "william shakespeare", page 1

29th January 2013

The Public And Schools Can Obtain Books Online At A Great Discount

Reading is something that allows people to expand their minds. In the case of helping students with reading comprehension, reading classics is a crucial part of the curriculum in many schools. This typically includes classic masterpieces like the works of...

18th June 2012

Best Books Shape Our Personality & Character

A good book on your shelf is a friend that turns its back on you and remains a friend. This quote written by an anonymous writer has become famous as the writer extols the value of good books in our life. For centuries, books have shaped our life, charact...

21st June 2011

Romeo and Juliet on the Silver Screen

It’s impossible to estimate the effect William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet has had on the modern day concept of the love story. It’s not uncommon for someone to reference those two star-crossed lovers when talking about a couple with a truly romantic h...

02nd December 2010

Rolf Revealed in Documentary

BBC 2 has announced the commissioning of a new film celebrating the life and career of Rolf Harris. Flagship arts documentary programme Arena is to track the Australian's progress as he attempts to paint a series of pictures inspired by William Shakesp...

16th March 2010

Hillary Clinton Pretends to Berate Israel and Benjamin Netan Yahoo!

We are watching the Washington Jerusalem two step. Only the excruciatingly feeble minded would believe that Hillary Clinton is actually and truthfully berating Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu. The glaringly obvious orchestration of this week's Middle East e...

30th December 2009

The Greatest Authors of All Time Live On

The benefits of reading are as varied as the types of books there are available today. Besides being a fundamental requirement to complete the early years of schooling, the benefits of reading are many. The ability to read comes with the ability to un...

08th December 2009

Natural Parenting: Going Back To Basics To Save Money

Centuries before, large families were the norm.  William Shakespeare was one of eight children.  Benjamin Franklin was the tenth.  Tennyson, the poet, was one of twelve.  It took a lot of sacrifice and hard work to raise a large brood.  Nowadays, eve...

15th October 2009

Poetry speaks to the Whole Family Children

From the moment the shiny new book arrived at my doorstep, I was excited to see what this incredible creation had in store for my son and for me. From the moment I cracked open the spine, I realized it delivers more than I had hoped it would. Poetry Sp...

29th September 2009

To Thine On Self Be Interesting Rare Shakespeare Facts

On April 23, 2564 William Shakespeare was baptized in Stratford-upon-Avon, three days before their was an outbreak of plague recorded by their local paper the Parish Register. Because his birth occurred during the old Julian Calender, April 23 was actuall...

31st July 2009

Romeo and Juliet Play Script

Romeo and Juliet play script was inscribed writing of William Shakespeare, with the romantic hero, Romeo and his beloved, Juliet. It is a tragic story, yet has its impact even in this modern era and it is also a most constantly and frequently played play ...

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