Cook paleo recipes so that you can feel the paleo diet benefits

By: Reinaldo Chandler | Posted: 10th June 2011

Nowadays, it is next to impossible to eat a similar thing our paleolithic ancestors ate, unless if we live in the wild and hunt or gather each and every piece of food. That will probably be in close proximity to a full-time career, and definitely not a feasible option for a lot of people today.

Paleolithic nutrition did contain foods which were available, and harvestable in nature. Including wild animals (not just grass-fed, but completely wild), wild plants, seeds, insects plus in certain areas it had been possible to locate nuts and fruits when they were in season (definitely not year-round).

Obviously we don’t have the option of eating this way today, but we do our best in order to imitate it. Doing the paleo diet does not involve residing in a cave, or hunting our food with spears. We buy our food in the supermarket, and cook it ourselves in our modern houses on the stove or even in the oven.

By making particular food choices we are able to imitate the exact paleolithic nutrition, which involves going for food that is as little processed as is possible, even organic when we are able to afford it. It also involves choosing meat that was pastured and grass-fed rather than factory produced like is typical in several western countries today.

The very best bet we can make on imitating the actual paleolithic nutrition, is to look at the things our ancestors definitely would not eat. We are able to virtually state like a fact that they didn’t eat food packed with hydrogenated oils or high-fructose corn syrup. We can also be certain that they didn’t eat refined wheat, as well as any kind of grain even given that they take such a long time to process.

They definitely didn’t eat chemically processed vegetable oils, and they didn’t eat anything loaded with sugar substitutes or preservatives. I’m confident they didn’t consume any low-fat dairy products either or any canned or bottled soda drinks. Candy wasn't obtainable in those times either.

We can get pretty near imitating the actual paleolithic nutrition through the elimination of these foods that we know are certainly products of modern industrial food production. A quote which has stuck pretty well in my mind is: “If it appears like it was manufactured in a factory, don’t eat it”. This is a golden rule, and when we stick to it then we shouldn't have any problem experiencing the awesome health advantages of true paleolithic nutrition.

The paleo diet is about making particular food choices, depending on how our paleolithic ancestors were likely to eat. We can’t really tell for sure exactly what they ate, but we can develop assumptions which are probably pretty accurate. These are the foods that the paleo diet is usually based around.About the Author
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Tags: best bet, time career, food choices, close proximity, hydrogenated oils, wild animals, sugar substitutes, feasible option, fructose corn syrup, western countries, vegetable oils, grass fed, modern houses, high fructose corn syrup, high fructose corn, paleo diet