800 Numbers - The Power of Toll Free Vanity Numbers

By: James Allen | Posted: 26th May 2011

Business enterprises have come to recognize the imperative need to own a toll free number (800, 888, 877 and 866) to build more effective customer relationship. As the customers do not pay any charges when making a call, they will be motivated to call more often. Several survey reports reveal that mentioning the toll free number in trade ads and other sales promotion materials elicits nearly 40 percent additional response.

In short, a toll free number is a powerful marketing tool for business enterprises to enlarge their customer base and enhance their sales turnover- more so, in today's highly competitive scenario. As more and more businesses are beginning to avail the toll free numbers, many existing toll free number users feel they are losing out the cutting edge and switching over to "Vanity" 800 numbers.

A vanity number is a special type of toll free number carrying a specific word - usually the company name, product name, product description or possibly the company's acronym. In some cases, a vanity number can be obtained to match the nature of your industry or product or service category i.e. flowers, rent-a-car etc. It is preferable to choose alphanumeric numbers as it is said that people more easily remember words than numbers.

A big advantage of a good vanity 800 number is it provides instant brand name recognition and adds to the prestige of the business house. Good vanity numbers are difficult and expensive to obtain due to increasing demand - but it is worth paying all the money as building a powerful brand otherwise is a prodigious task.

Another great advantage of 800 vanity numbers is they are permanent and will not be affected by new area codes or even if you move to a new location. New toll-free exchanges such as 888, 877, and 866 furthermore soon to be released 855 increase the chances of your obtaining good vanity numbers.

The scramble amongst most business enterprises to obtain good vanity 800 numbers is adequate proof that 800 vanity numbers are of tremendous advantage to business enterprises.

Good domain names are obviously very difficult to get. And so are good 800 vanity numbers. Inasmuch as a good domain name can be valuable, 800 vanity numbers are also extremely useful because they can be easily remembered by the customers. It is a known fact that business enterprises spend millions of dollars in repeat advertising to make customers remember their brand name.

A good vanity toll free number does the trick and can certainly be worth millions of dollars. This is not all as 800 vanity numbers will help create a nationwide business presence for your business without your making huge investments.

A vanity toll free number has a distinct three-fold advantage - it tells the world about your business existence, the nature of your business and the method to reach you. This apart, a good 800 number gives you instant brand recognition, lends greater credibility and prestige to your business and projects a professional consumer oriented image. It must be your endeavor to ensure that all your customers start calling on your vanity 800 numbers for seeking quotations and product details, ordering products or services, and more importantly, referring your vanity number to their circle of friends.

To get more information about 800 Numbers as well as finding more information about Internet Fax Service. To learn more visit: http://www.ringcentral.com/
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Tags: marketing tool, vanity number, sales promotion, customer relationship, area codes, toll free numbers, business enterprises, survey reports, vanity numbers