Dieting to lose weight

By: Leon Polaski | Posted: 25th May 2011

I've been using this system for a couple of months now, and at the rate I've been losing body fat I don't think it will be very long before I have a six pack I can be proud of. Thanks a million Mike, I can't imagine I would ever have done this without your help!

Two Different Audiences:

The Truth about Abs book is one of those books that has two different audiences.

Because it is the best abdominals program on the internet, there are going to be people that despise it since the truth hurts and they don't want to accept them or work hard, and there are those people who completely appreciate all that the book has to offer since it is so incredibly complex in its dieting tips, ab workouts, and exercises.

I Didn't Know What To Expect:

The book by Mike Geary who is a personal trainer and nutritionist, and has researched everything that is included in this abdominal program. I'll admit that I didn't know what to expect from this book, because I didn't want to just join the bandwagon and say its the best program on the internet.

So what I did was research it and actually order it for myself to see just what made The Truth About Abs book so great. So when I got this program I was astounded with the contents and of course I'm not going to tell you every detail, but I am going to let you in on the main secrets to great abs, as stated in this book.

Main Concept Of The Book:

The book explains that it all starts with nutrition, and I totally agree with this because so many people focus on tough ab workouts, and straining themselves over getting perfect abs.

When in reality, one of the biggest secrets in this book is the amazing dietary tips and secrets you are told, that I, myself, have never heard before.

The main idea of the program is the concept that what you put into your stomach is the most important and what exercises you do can maximize results along with these huge dietary changes.

So Much Secret And Great Information:

This book is crammed with an immense amount of phenomenal information that could potentially give you changes in both your overall weight loss, and your six pack abdominals appearance.

There are countless little secrets and tips that I'm positive you have never heard, and let me tell you they work amazing.

The nutritional information found in this book is what changes this book from being pretty darn good to phenomenally amazing.

The nutritional information was dead on to what I've been taught and it also comes along with many secrets and dietary tips that are going to change my diet for the rest of my life.

This book is such a relief to what you are probably used to, which is all that junk you find in many other diet and weight loss books.

Now you may think the nutritional tips and information are extremely helpful, but there is so much more to this book. Mike Geary shows that he knows exactly what he's talking about, especially when it comes to the fitness and workout sections.

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Tags: bandwagon, exercises, audiences, truth about, stomach, personal trainer, dietary changes, nutrition, nutritionist, six pack, great abs, ab workouts