Phoneticom Emergency Message System Ensures Safety

By: Sophie Morrison | Posted: 23rd May 2011

Emergency is an unavoidable situation. Each and every one of us has to cope up with emergencies at some point or the other. Whether it is natural disasters like earthquakes and floods or manmade crisis like strikes or any sort of chaos, emergencies exists in some form or the other. In such difficult times, informing your dear and near ones about your situation is necessary. Yet at the same time it is an extremely difficult task. Now with emergencymessagesystem all such worries will vanish as it provides the perfect back-up you need during your difficult times.

Phoneticom’s emergency message system promises the deliverance of unmatched and fruitful services to its patrons. It definitely has an upper hand over other emergency service providers of the US. So be wise and go for nothing but the best with emergencymessagesystem.

In order to receive this service simply log on to and sign up for subscription. You just need to pay a very consumer friendly price of $14.95 on a monthly basis to obtain this wonderful service. The best part is that it gives you the authority to select your preferred mode of payment. Once your payments are processed, your emergency message system is ready for use. You can start off with enlisting 10 contact numbers on your address book of your account. You should provide phone numbers as well as email ids because if the phone numbers do not work then your emergency message will be displayed to your contacts in their mail addresses. A sum of $50 will also be available to you as emergency money.

One should remember that this service is not a replacement for 911 emergency services. So whenever you are in need of medical aid or caught up in any threats call up 911. Coming back to emergencymessagesystem, it enables you to send out five emergency alerts a month. It does not matter for how long you remain a part of the network; the subscription fee will always be the same. You don’t have to come under any agreement with Phoneticom’s emergency message system. You can stop using its services anytime you want to without paying anything extra.

So when emergency message system is there with you, all you have to do dial its toll free number of 888-280-5444 where your emergency message gets recorded. So just give a single call to this incredible service provider and eliminate all your emergency needs. Additional features like receiving email alerts for local weather warnings, national terror and food are also made available to you.

Thus conforming public safety and health as well as prevention programs and community awareness, emergency message system guarantees to you the best service available across the nation. These fantastic features aid you in detecting, avoiding and reporting emergency messages in an effective yet simplest manner.

So get hooked to emergency message system to reduce all your worries and tensions during emergency situations. This comes as the best method of safeguarding yourself against possible emergencies. So log on to emergencymessagesystem and subscribe to it today!

Visit to avail the best emergency service provider. Go get yourself phoneticom emergency message system and protect yourselves from emergencies.
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Tags: worries, patrons, mail, subscription fee, address book, difficult times, contact numbers, emergencies, emergency services, wonderful service, medical aid, floods, natural disasters, earthquakes, deliverance, preferred mode