Gas Turbine Efficiency

By: Natalie Eastaugh | Posted: 27th April 2011

The allegedly impending crises of fuel shortages, fuel price rises and of global warming hang over the society of western society in the twenty first century and as a result businesses and governments alike are searching for more environmentally friendly and cost effective sources of energy. Such energy sources are intended to replace the fossil fuels such as petrol, oil and natural gas (the use of which greatly exacerbates the problem of global warming through the production of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and nitrous oxides), sources of energy which are (according to reports) due to run out by the turn of the twenty second century.

However, it may not be necessary to find new and renewable energy sources (which may not prove to be any more environmentally friendly than our existing sources) if we are able to make our current sources of energy, such as the means of producing electricity via gas turbines, more productive and cost efficient.

Gas turbines generate electricity either as primary or secondary units, such as in natural gas-fuelled power plants where they are combined with steam turbines. The hot stream of gas (resulting from the combustion of the natural gas) or the steam produced by the steam turbines turns the blades of the gas turbine, producing mechanical energy which is then transferred to a generator which in turn creates electricity.

However, the performance of these gas turbines may be hindered by the simple fact that they are not being cleaned thoroughly enough, resulting in lower productivity and an output far below their potential. There are, however, a range of turbine cleaning solutions that are suitable for use on any and all gas turbines and compressors be they in the aerospace, maritime or power generation industries.

The use of such cleaners can also result in businesses experiencing considerable long term cost savings, such as those experienced by the Ministry of Defence in regards to using such a product on their military and search and rescue helicopters, resulting in an estimated saving of £7000 per engine as the engine cleaner dealt effectively with excessive salt fouling as well as acting as an inhibitor of corrosion, meaning that only one wash with this particular cleaner was required. Such products are still being used by the MOD as the army stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan use it on their aircraft engaged in combat and humanitarian operations, as do the Royal Navy (who use them extensively on the gas turbines used to propel their vessels).

Natalie Eastaugh is the Internet Marketing Specialist for
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Tags: simple fact, power plants, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sources of energy, cleaning solutions, greenhouse gases, fossil fuels, mechanical energy, renewable energy sources, compressors