Grid Connections Explained

By: Natalie Eastaugh | Posted: 28th March 2011

The potential fuel crisis that may occur as a result of continued use of the finite supply of non renewable energy sources constantly hangs its foreboding shadow modern society and unless we find new, renewable sources of energy to use as an alternative in the very near future, current sources of energy and deposits of fossil fuels will run out, bringing the process of human development to a standstill. However, twenty-first century society is also greatly concerned with the threat of global warming, a problem made continuously worse by the use of traditional fossil fuels (such as natural gas, oil and coal) which produce high levels of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and nitrous oxides and so it is important to find a source of energy which, apart from being renewable, also has little or no harmful effects on the environment.

In an effort to promote the use of such renewable sources of energy, the British Government has set targets dictating that by 2020, 15% of the United Kingdom’s energy needs is to be catered for by renewable energy sources. This can be achieved by increasing the use of technology which can generate power with minimal damage to the environment such as solar power, Hydro Electric Power and of course Wind Power.

There is a large range of businesses that are able to construct grid connections for large-scale schemes of renewable energy production. Also, because many of these firms’ employees have previously been employed by a number of leading Distribution Network Owners and so are able to design bespoke connection arrangements to meet the needs of the individual host DNO. Such work typically involves a specific intake substantiation design, plant and equipment specification and selection.

Natalie Eastaugh is the Internet Marketing Specialist for
If you wish to find out more on grid connections as well as information about G2 Energy, go to

These businesses also work with a number of strategic partners as this allows them to contest and challenge all aspects of a grid connection under the ‘Competition in Connections’ regulated rules as set down by OFGEM and employ Lloyds registers NERS contractors to help them do so. It has been estimated that completing connections through the contestable route can result in savings of 20 to 50% on DNO connection costs.

These companies can help to ensure that an individual’s application for a private grid connection will not be rejected as they can review all connection applications to ensure that it complies with the various grid codes and specifications. These guidelines are implemented to ensure the safety and security of the networks and the quality of the supplies are not compromised.

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Tags: source of energy, sources of energy, gas oil, greenhouse gases, renewable sources of energy, fossil fuels, wind power, substantiation, minimal damage, renewable energy sources