Are 800 Numbers Essential?

By: James Allen | Posted: 28th March 2011

If you want your customers to interact with you more and discuss at length about the nature and pricing of your products and services, then you will have to necessarily provide them the facility of 800 numbers. The simple logic is - why should you make your customer pay for the phone calls for contacting you to know about your products or services.

This apart, the fact also remains that both existing as well as prospective customers will be encouraged to call you more often as they will not have to pay the phone charges. Possessing 800 numbers will thus contribute immensely to improve Customer Relations Management (CRM).

Customers obviously want to deal with a company they can trust, a company that's easy to contact, where someone can listen to their complaints and provide spot information. Customers view toll free numbers as a big boon because this not only means that the company can be called easily for buying the products but also for post-purchase complaints and services.

Most customers would choose to call you if you have 800 numbers and if you do not have one, they might as well turn to your competitors. Receive your incoming customer calls on your cell phone, at the office, at home or at any other place as your customer will always be dialing the same toll-free number and you will not miss out on their calls. Check with your toll-free service provider as most of them offer call hunting and voicemail/fax services via email at no extra charge.

There is a host of toll-free service providers and due to the stiff competition, 800 numbers have become affordable to all sizes of business houses. There is no denying that a toll- free number projects a corporate image and most of your customers may not know the size of your business operations.

Toll free numbers, beginning with 800, 888, 877, 866 and the lately released 855 have assumed a lot of importance in the business circles today and it is widely recognized by marketing professionals as a powerful marketing tool. Companies can choose to take advantage of being toll free by obtaining a vanity number, Skype, Google Voice or any other marketing tools that can complement it.

It may be a good idea to use one number for your website, one number for your yellow pages ad and a third number for billboards. Now, tracking the performance against each type is simple - all you have to do is to check your call logs on your online management page and immediately see where most of your inquiries are originating from. Most customers would choose to call you if you have 800 numbers and if you do not have one, they might as well turn to your competitors.

It will be a still greater business advantage if you have a vanity number. To those who may not be aware, a vanity number is a toll-free telephone number that also spells a person's or company's name or spells a word or acronym or name of the brand, product, services of the company as chosen by the subscriber. The vanity number triggers instant brand recognition in the minds of customers.

To get more information about 800 Numbers as well as finding more information about Internet Fax Service. To learn more visit:
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Tags: marketing tool, prospective customers, 800 numbers, business operations, phone charges, stiff competition, corporate image, business circles, toll free numbers, business houses, simple logic, fax services