Do you know the Advantages of Recycling Your Old Cellular phone?

By: Rickey Batcher | Posted: 10th February 2011

It's understandable the telephone you might have on your bottom line will become outmoded, that's simply technology as well as the world we are now living in. If you're an on-the-go, technically savvy person, it's likely you may need an upgrade at some point, it's expected and suppliers depend on it. Once you've made that decision, what should you do along with your old phone? Toss it inside the trash; give it to anybody you like?

The majority of us understand that tossing last year's phone inside the trash is detrimental for the environment, allowing toxic chemicals to leech in to the soil, so let's concentrate on different ways to recycle. Data lets us know the typical value of a vintage phone is about $30, which collectively results in vast amounts (actually over a billion) in discarded products. What can be achieved with it and will this be transformed into cash?

Your much money either relaxing in drawers or serving as expensive paperweights, ingenuity will certainly discover a way to create revenue and that's exactly what happened. Multiple companies have formulated recycling centers specializing in acquiring old phones (and may pay for yours), then either sell the raw materials, use the parts to fix other phones or result in the discarded phone offered to consumers buying particular model.

An industry has sprung from this and their primary job is always to recycle discarded mobile phones for charity. Naturally the charity and company are receiving revenue, so it's a win/win situation. Customers (individuals with outdated phones) can donate their phones to charity (possibly be given a tax write off), which produces not merely revenue but social value also.

Perhaps that is news, or perhaps you're already aware of the method. There are multiple websites designed to connect individuals with old phones with companies who wish to purchase them. The process is straightforward, you'll enter the make and model, click on the submit button, and be presented with the worth of the old phone.

At this point you'll decide if you need to proceed, if no, you're not obliged to continue; if yes the company sends a pre-addressed (often prepaid) package used to outline your old phone. Once received and processed, your designated payment (usually a organization check) is going to be delivered to your address, total time approximately 30 days.

Other possibilities include auctioning your second-hand phone on eBay (or other auction sites); placing an advertisement on Craigslist, etc. While those are valid options, there isn't any assurance of a sale; while recycling companies (assuming your phone is in working condition) guarantees a specific sum of money. If you are doing decide to go the auction route, getting the original packaging along with a scratch free phone will boost the value.

Irrespective of your decision, recycling, auction, or donating to charity, you will find there are a large number of choices allowing you to develop money, whilst being helpful to the environment.

We need to take care of the planet. We wont get a second one and the damage we are inflicting can't be repaired.

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Tags: bottom line, job, much money, consumers, different ways, ingenuity, charity, drawers, mobile phones, trash, soil, toxic chemicals, raw materials, multiple companies, old phones