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Articles, tagged with "charity", page 1

26th September 2011

Charitable Giving by Nation

It is not easy to establish which countries give more to charity as there are so many ways of giving. Some give money will others contribute time and assistance to good causes. Some countries give a lot to charity through governments and other schemes whi...

15th August 2011

Give Help For Poor People With A Few Small Sacrifices

As you start your day and head out for work, you drop by your favourite coffee shop to buy your morning coffee. You barely think about how much that cup of coffee costs. That small amount of money is nothing to you but for a person who has nothing to eat,...

15th August 2011

Charity For Children Give Our Youth A Better Future

The children are said to be the hope of the future which is the reason why they need all the love and support that they can get. Love and support is something that parents give to their children but the sad truth is that not all children have parents to t...

03rd August 2011

How To Recycle And Reuse Mags, Papers And Books In An Eco Friendly Manner

As consumers demand the need for more paper, whether it's for newspapers, plain paper or books, we continue to trim down vast numbers of extremely old trees. It is discouraging to think how long it could take to get them replaced. Paper reusing and recycl...

12th July 2011

Cell phone recycling – for a safer environment

With the continuous changes that take place in the field of technology, there is also a change in the way we use the products that are designed with the help of technology. Let us consider the example of cell phones. One can find lots of varieties of cell...

04th July 2011

How to Get a Tax Deduction For a Motor vehicle Donation

If you've donated a motor vehicle, you might qualify for an IRS deduction. There are a few straightforward specifications that must be satisfied to qualify for a tax deduction:1) Deductions for donating a car will need to be itemized in your tax return. U...

29th June 2011

Environmentally Friendly Ways of Reusing and Recycling Paper, Books and Mags

The loss of more older trees is the consequence of climbing use of paper including books and papers. We face the outlook of needing to wait many centuries to replace them, which is a long time to wait. To reuse paper and increase recycling is truly essent...

27th June 2011

Environmentally Friendly Methods of Reusing and Recycling Paper, Books and Mags

As the use of paper climbs with book, paper and newsprint production, we inevitably lose more trees. It is going to take many, many years to see this . As a result, reusing and recycling paper has become even more critical now than it ever was.If left at ...

10th April 2011

Eventz4kids: Find Fun Kids’ Activities in Your Area

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say something pretty controversial: parenting is very…time-consuming. There I said it. From what I can tell - and I’m not a parent, though I frequently play one on TV - parents are in constant motion: from the mom...

06th April 2011

Peter Orszag: Outside of Work

Peter Orszag might be one of the most influential and leading economists in the world, but that doesn’t mean his whole life revolves around economics. Instead, Peter Orszag has healthy interests outside of his work and is regularly involved with a number ...

01st April 2011

ATM Charity Giving Looks Set to Become Part of the UK Big Society

The UK Coalition government is calling on banks and ATM providers to let them know how to make charitable donations via ATM happen in the UK. Consultations are taking place in the early months of 2011 and will be led by Cabinet Office Minister Francis Mau...

28th March 2011

Micro Communities and Word Press

Micro Communities and Word Press If you have a need for short-term internet communications, you might consider what is termed a micro community model for your WordPress site. Way use a micro community is super affective at short period of time and allowin...

06th March 2011

Before You Publish a Book, Ask Yourself 3 Critical Questions

Wondering how to publish a book? Before you decide whether to go for a traditional publisher or to self publish, ask yourself these 3 critical questions. You're writing a book (or thinking of writing one), and the biggest question on your mind is wheth...

14th February 2011

Tips On Filing Late Tax Returns Why You Should File Your Taxes Even If You Dont Have the Money to Pa

You will need to know, for tax purposes, when you purchased the items, and for how much, the fair market value of the items on the day you donated them to charity and the name and address of the charity. If all else fails, than just bite your tongue and w...

10th February 2011

Do you know the Advantages of Recycling Your Old Cellular phone?

It's understandable the telephone you might have on your bottom line will become outmoded, that's simply technology as well as the world we are now living in. If you're an on-the-go, technically savvy person, it's likely you may need an upgrade at some p...

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