
By: Allan Lamb | Posted: 11th January 2011

With so many companies proffering the next best miracle wrinkle curative , but with little results to back up this title, it is no wonder consumers get turned off by clever marketing ploys , from cosmetic companies claiming that their production proffers the ultimate component in the war against aging. However all is not lost and it may just be, that the twenty first 100 is the earned run average that we are able to ravel the whodunit of the key to endless youthfulness . In 2009 three scientists were awarded the noble trophy, for their donation into enquiry on cellular senescence. It has been picked up that at the ends of DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID are constructions known as telomerase, these ride at the end of each chromosome, acting like book ends, protecting DESOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID and our genetic code from unravelling. For many years it was thought that this was their only part , but the scientists disclosed that these bodily structures actually prevent cellular degradation ; they also noticed that cells stop repeating, as the telomeres get shorter. When a cell stops reduplicating it puts down a period of time of diminution, known as cell agedness or cell death, the length of a cell 's telomeres, actually set the cell's age and how many times is will repeat. Another of import gene that impacts telomeres was also seen, known as the enzyme telomerase, these enzymes actually protect telomeres from maturating, keeping them from getting shorter, every cell in the body has the genetic code to make telomerase, its just as we age the telomerase naturally belittles.

Currently telomeres are the closest scientists have come to identifying the biological clock, with this new and exciting information they are now more fit out to understand the mechanism of aging and exactly how to influence it. One scientist going the vanguard in this inquiry has named an take out called teprenone, which can actually help stop the senescence of the skin's DNA. Teprenone can pass the lifetime of your skin cells, by literally slowing down the aging process , physically delaying the shortening of telomeres and protecting the skin's DNA and many of the destructive upshots that come with years .

However if we are ever to truly understand the study of aging, there is still a lot of enquiry that has to be undertaken , but science is definitely one footstep closer. Identifying telomeres and the enzyme telomerase, has certainly spread the door to further scientific research and the part these have on the aging process . In the hope that one day we truly will be able to unlock the key to longevity .

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Tags: enzymes, biological clock, vanguard, genetic code, constructions, cell death, cosmetic companies, youthfulness, diminution