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Articles, tagged with "cosmetic companies", page 1

08th December 2011

What Kind Of Fragrance Should I Wear To Get People To Like Me?

If you are wondering what are the things you need to consider when shopping for perfume, then you're definitely not on your own. It really is practically challenging to choose the ideal perfume to put on since there are a wide variety of brands for sale n...

09th November 2011

The Fight Against Cancer Is Getting A Little Help From The Mary Kay Foundation

Cancer is just one of those diseases that does the maximum amount of damage to the families of victims as it does to the victims. While the person who has cancer has to deal with the taxing medical issues that goes in conjunction with cancer, loved ones f...

07th September 2011

Love Your Skin with Natural Beauty Products

When looking for natural beauty products, make sure you get these key ingredients. Using a skin care line made from ingredients sourced from the earth not only does wonders for your skin but also the environment. Go natural now! Women who want to look ...

07th June 2011

Anti Ageing Creams - A Myth,or Reality?

You can look at all the graphic details of blemished skin, and oily glands - and wonder if there are practical steps you can take to get that perfect skin, that smooth beautiful skin. First, you do have to wonder about the wild advertising claims....

17th May 2011

Choose the Right Cosmetic Packaging to Create Brand Awareness

A distinctive style based around unique packaging is key in gaining a customer’s attention. Cosmetic packaging has become more innovative as consumers continue to demand convenience and performance in their cosmetic purchases. Consumers today shop across ...

18th April 2011

Bare Minerals Reviews5

This makeup line also comprises eye shadows, blushes, lip ensign, lip liners, mascaras, lip luster and specially devised pores and skin preps.The foundation doesn't include talc, aroma and lubricates, creating it exquisite to people with perceptive skin. ...

04th April 2011

Pamper Your Skin Naturally with Therapeutic Skincare

Going natural is the norm of the day. The increasing popularity of therapeutic skincare solutions further proves the point. It can do wonders for your skin. It is an undeniable fact that the leading brands contain far too much chemicals. Most of the cream...

08th March 2011

Beauty as a gift

By aman in Beauty
K Osmet is the classic of the Christmas presents. In every fourth tree, you can find some, say statisticians. Though many perfume and aftershave gifts, the most boring ever dismiss as: You are part of the mess as the champagne on New Year's Eve. Still ...

07th March 2011

Benefits of Using Natural Organic Skincare Products for Perfect Skin

It’s every woman’s dream to have a clear, smooth, radiant and flawless complexion; perfect, gorgeous and dazzling skin and a complexion that turns heads. And believe me, it’s easily possible. There is no magic to attaining this awesome complexion. Per...

02nd March 2011

The secret of eternal youth is in the nature!

When it comes to old age, wrinkles obligations, years pass and the signs of aging cliché that women want to panic and try to limit the visible damage to the passing of time. Not so the situation given the recent statistics of investment and direction of...

16th February 2011

Natural Skin Whitening - Some Tips That Work

By ali in Beauty
If you are reading this article it means that like me you attempt to look for natural methods to look beautiful. Looking beautiful naturally makes it easier to look good. In fact natural beauty provides a glow to your face that no quantity of cosmetics li...

27th January 2011

High-Quality Aluminum Makeup Cases – the Ultimate in Organization

Gone are the days when all you needed was a simple foundation, some powder, mascara and lipstick. Now there is specific makeup for the evening, for dress-up, being casual, and work. Additionally, there is moisturizing creams, wrinkle reducing lotions and ...

11th January 2011


With so many companies proffering the next best miracle wrinkle curative , but with little results to back up this title, it is no wonder consumers get turned off by clever marketing ploys , from cosmetic companies claiming that their production ...

20th December 2010

Best Face Primer for Oily Skin – Get Clear Pores & Long Lasting Makeup

Choosing a good face primer is one of the most important steps in your beauty routine. This can be an especially difficult task if you have oily skin. Primer “sets the stage” for your makeup, allowing you to have a fresh looking complexion all day long, ...

18th November 2010

Bismuth Free Mineral Makeup and Face Powder for Oily Skin

Sometimes, the ingredients NOT present in cosmetics matter just as much as ingredients that ARE included. Mattify! Cosmetics Company , who specializes in products for oily skin, takes pride in the fact that their mattifying face powders do not contain fo...

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