Dandruff a major dating turn off

By: Kristy | Posted: 09th December 2010

Women suffer from dandruff as often as men do. However, the stigma of having dandruff is more pronounced on women rather than men. It's an unspoken rule that women should have perfect and beautiful hair regardless of length and color. It's one of the first things men look at when they scout for a potential date. As with all the other parts of their bodies, women also flirt using their hair by casually tossing it to one side, running their hands through it; or letting it touch the guy's the hand.

Would you date a woman with a bad case of dandruff? Imagine how horrifying and unsanitary it must be to see flecks of dead skin from the woman you're out on a date with lands on your soup or glass of wine. What could have been a romantic evening would end abruptly and there won't be as much as a phone call afterwards.

Dandruff is no laughing matter. It can be caused by a fungus that makes the scalp itchy and cause flakes of dead skin to fall off. While it is not contagious, it is rather unsightly. Treating your hair and scalp for dandruff is quick and easy which is why there's no excuse to leave the problem untreated. There are numerous dandruff shampoos for all hair types. Some of these products have been proven to be effective in treating the condition in as little as a few days of use.

If you want some other home remedies, you can try applying tea tree oil to your scalp and massage it for several minutes. Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic and can alleviate the itching caused by the fungus. This would lessen the instances of you scratching your head and scalp in public. For the more severe cases of dandruff, you can always consult a dermatologist for a cream or lotion which can be applied topically.

Say goodbye to dandruff today and start welcoming romance back into your life.
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Tags: excuse, instances, few days, bad case, romance, dead skin, dermatologist, tea tree oil, fungus, home remedies, glass of wine, laughing matter, stigma, hair types, romantic evening, antiseptic, flecks