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Articles, tagged with "antiseptic", page 1

18th June 2012

Safety First: How to Tell If Your Child's Gift Is Safe

As a parent, you are constantly on the lookout for your children’s safety. When she falls, you are there with a bandage and some antiseptic. When he taunts a snake that may or may not be poisonous, you are there to save him from his poor judgment. To be a...

11th April 2011

Why Men Should Choose Wet Shaving Over Dry Shaving

A proper wet shaving technique will give you a close smooth shave without irritation.It is important to wash your face with a mild soap and warm water to clean away any dirt and oil that collects in your pores and on the whiskers. The warm water also loos...

09th December 2010

Dandruff a major dating turn off

Women suffer from dandruff as often as men do. However, the stigma of having dandruff is more pronounced on women rather than men. It's an unspoken rule that women should have perfect and beautiful hair regardless of length and color. It's one of the f...

27th October 2010

Choose the Best Skin Firming Face Products

We all know that elastin and collagen is important in making our skin look young and beautiful. They are also responsible for keeping our skin firm and elastic so we can avoid the formation of wrinkles and other unwanted signs of skin aging like fine line...

20th October 2010

Herbal Treatments For The Skin: Effective Herbs To Treat Acne

There are plenty of skin care treatments offered in the market today. But you should know which among them can provide great results. You don’t want to waste your time trying skin care products that won’t provide good results. Do you? Our skin has plent...

25th February 2010 Reports Beijing dough sculptor Zhang Baolin

Going to temple fairs is a common tradition during the Chinese Lunar New Year. And that's also the time of year when you see the best of China's arts and crafts all come together. One of the art forms that's always part of the mix is dough sculpting. On ...

19th January 2010

Time And Tattoos

Throughout the course of time, tattoos have been used to personify and represent someone's affiliations, personal preferences, and their creative outlook on life. Tattoos are gaining in popularity these days as well with both men and women. Research has...

26th November 2009

Dandruff Treatment

Dandruff, scientifically termed as pityriasis capitis, is caused by a fungus called Pityrosporum ovale or Malassezia furfur. These fungi make the scalp dry, which causes the formation of scales and flakes. Though scalp's skin normally flakes off due to re...

07th October 2009

Removal of Fecal Wastes

A rigorous colon rinse predetermine has two stages: Redouble of fiber intake to smooth the bowel movement, and administration of an enema to release snarl-up. Most of our diet is poised of very unhealthy food such as chips, fries, burgers, thirst-quen...

17th September 2009

Aftershave: Fragrant Skin Care tips for Men

Shaving is a passionate job for men, nothing can enhance looks of a man like shaving does, and removal of stubble will transform your face and looks drastically. After getting over with shaving, all men require doing is bathing and applying that attractiv...

30th July 2009

What Oily Skin Treatment Works Best

Oily skin can lead to acne a skin condition most of us would want to avoid. So what oily skin treatment works best on these days? We want to control the oil produced by our skin but at the same time keep our skin hydrated and protected. It is relativ...

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