Quickest way to Lose Weight Naturally - 4 Guiding Principles

By: heretohelpyou | Posted: 07th December 2010

How can a person lose weight naturally?

Is it possible to lose weight through your body's natural functions?

Most of us are acquainted with the pain of over-restricting our eating, to lose weight, and our gut tells us this is unhealthy for our bodies. If we could learn a more balanced approach to reducing our weight, based on how our bodies naturally function, we would be healthier and happier.

Rather than focusing on restricting or giving up certain foods, let's try a different approach. Let's consider some basic ideas that would enable us to lose weight naturally, and keep it off.

Here are four guiding principles.

1. Increase the amount of water you drink!

How often do you reach for a soft drink when really thirsty, or needing energy? When you do, you probably know you're drinking empty calories, but did you know the soft drink sucks water from your body?

For real thirst quenching, your body needs water! Water removes impurities from your system and helps you lose weight based on your body's natural function.

2. Help yourself to plenty of fruits and vegetables!

How often do you get a chance to eat fruit? No matter the season, there are several delicious fruits available that refresh and lift your energy, including peaches, plums, grapes, oranges, apples, bananas and many others. Fruit provides essential vitamins and minerals for your body's natural function.

What kind of vegetables do you enjoy? Pick the ones you love. Vegetables are rich in fiber and most vegetables don't add a lot of calories.

You can be more regular as a result of eating fruits and vegetables and, of course, this is part of your body's natural function.

3. When Eating, Focus on Eating!

The other day I sat down to a delicious meal and the next thing I knew, my food was completely gone and I had no memory of having eaten. I realized I had gotten so involved in the television program I was watching, I lost track of everything.

I wonder if you have ever experienced something similar!

When I eat with the television off, I eat less and enjoy my meal more.

And there are a couple of other things I noticed, too, when I eat my meal with the television off. I don't eat as fast, and I take more time to chew my food. Taking more time to chew allows an important, normal function of the body to take place - saliva is able to properly contribute to the digestion process.

4. Some Carbohydrates are Good!

A proper amount of good carbohydrates contributes to the natural processes of fat burning and weight loss, for the body.

You can benefit more from the natural ways your body functions when you eat 'good carbohydrate' foods, make regular trips to the fruit and vegetable stand of your local market, help yourself to a generous supply of water, every day, and focus on eating, when you eat.

Mark Chandler
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Tags: thirst, vitamins and minerals, impurities, fruits and vegetables, oranges, eating fruits and vegetables, essential vitamins and minerals, grapes, bananas, empty calories, water water, delicious meal, peaches, balanced approach, soft drink, television program, guiding principles