Acne Inversa: What is it?

By: JimCarter | Posted: 17th November 2010

After puberty, everyone go through the outbreak of acne at least once. Many folks believe the outbreak of acne is the most dreaded skin infection since it not only causes pain but in addition spoils our skin texture. But little do we know that there is more painful skin disease called acne inversa.

Unlike acne, acne inversa also called Hidradenitis Suppurativa, is a skin condition in which one has to undergo severe pain caused by the lensions i.e. lumps formed on the body. These lumps are very sensitive and formed in areas where there is contact of skin to skin like the armpits, under the breast, inner thighs, the groin and so on. Particularly in the areas where there are sweat and oil glands. In some cases, the affected area gets more red and even blackheads start to show, making the condition worst.

It typically begins after puberty and from thereon, once affected, remains for a longer time. Most people suffering from acne inversa are between 20-40 years of age with women being affected thrice as more as men. It is incurable and very painful. Many who are stricken by this skin infection find It very uncomfortable and stressful.

Despite the fact that science has developed numerous cures for the most terrible of diseases, no everlasting cure for acne inversa has been discovered. Most of the time many even the physician make mistake in diagnosing. So, have a check up from a physician who will properly make a diagnosis your skin condition and provide the suitable treatment for it.

Prevention is better than a cure as what the extremely popular saying state. Hence, instead of suffer the implications, it is much better to follow precautionary measures. There are few points that are mentioned below will avoid acne inversa when you observe them seriously:

•Take shower everyday and properly clean the areas where there's skin to skin contact and apply antiseptic cream particularly areas where there are sweat and oil glands.

•Prohibit yourselves from wearing tight clothes.

•In case you sweat a lot take proper measures avoiding excess sweat.

•If you're an overweight, try to lose some pounds as it is one known reason for acne inversa.

Treatment alternatives for acne inversa are limited and never thought of as curative. Treatment options rely on the extent of the impacted areas and whether the blisters are painful or contaminated. Gentle instances can be treated with self-care methods, such as warm compresses and frequent washings with antibacterial soap. More serious cases may be treatable together with topical or systemic anti-biotics, or both. Topical anti-biotic that has been reliable in a randomized controlled trial is Clindamycin. Treatments may vary based upon presentation and seriousness of the condition. Sufferers should discuss all alternatives with their physician or skin doctor. Complete cessation of smoking is obviously important in the treating of acne inversa.

You will avoid this skin infection by following the precautionary measures given and visiting a dermatologist frequently.
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Tags: outbreak, acne, skin condition, skin texture, severe pain, puberty, groin, armpits, inner thighs, tight clothes, precautionary measures, spoils, oil glands, skin infection, cure for acne, skin to skin, suitable treatment