The Fastest and Easiest Way to Remove Stretch Marks

By: Jen Hopkins | Posted: 17th November 2010

Scars can form on your skin through many different ways. Most of the time, they can be removed by exfoliating the skin. But for scars such as stretch marks, they are not easily removed and would most often require professional help so that you may be able to get rid of them completely.

The easiest way to do this is by having laser treatment done on your stretch marks. It is very specific that it burns away the scar tissue itself and leaves the rest of your normal cells intact. Once the laser has completely burned away the scar, no traces of it will be left behind.

You may think what makes stretch marks different from other scars? It forms when the skin is stretched past its limit that the dermal layer tears and forms a wound. Once the body stops growing and the skin stops stretching, the normal progression will be the formation of a wound that will be permanently visible on the surface of the skin.

Since the wound forms on the dermal layer of the skin, it is very deep thus normal methods of scar removal cannot remove this from the skin. Exfoliation and other physical means that you can try on your own will not work in getting rid of this scar.

What makes laser treatment the best way to eliminate this kind of scar is its specificity to the scar tissue only. It will not affect the other normal tissues thus reducing side effects. In addition to this, it works by burning away the scar until none are left. Once the body regenerates the lost skin cells, no trace of the scar will be seen.

You may think that burning away a scar is a painful process. But in fact, it is relatively painless as the surface of the skin does not contain any nerve endings. The scar tissue itself does not have nerve endings as well so you won't have a problem with pain when it comes to this procedure.

During the whole procedure, you will just be lying down while the doctor operates the machine that will burn away your scar. This will only take a dew minutes and after one session your scar will be almost invisible if not completely removed. Sometimes, you may need to undergo another treatment for deeper and larger scars.

So if you want the easiest and fastest way to get rid of stretch marks, then undergoing laser treatment is your best option. Not only does it get rid of the scars quickly and easily, it is also pain-free. Just be ready to spend a lot of money as such a procedure does not come cheap.
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Tags: many different ways, left behind, skin cells, specificity, nerve endings, tissues, scar tissue, laser treatment, stretch marks, traces, scars, skin exfoliation, dermal layer, scar removal