Fighting Baldness With Hair Transplant Procedures

By: Nazima Golamaully | Posted: 10th November 2010

People are prone to baldness as they age. This is due to many different things, like stress and malnutrition. But the most common reason for baldness is androgenic alopecia. Androgenic alopecia is more commonly termed as male pattern baldness because it manifests more often in the male population, but it is also prevalent in the female population. No one really wants to go through baldness. Not only is it embarrassing; it is also makes you look very undesirable. For centuries, both men and women have tried to find the right solution for this problem. Some people try to pretend like nothing was happening by wearing wigs. Some wear head accessories, like caps and hats, to cover the bald spots. Fortunately for those concerned, there is not a very effective way of getting your hair back, sans the cover-ups. That way is called getting a hair transplant.

If you want to get back your hair, getting a hair transplant is the way to go. This is a procedure where live hair follicles from your body are transferred from one area that is abundant in them, to another that lacks in them. Usually, the live follicles are grabbed from inconspicuous areas; usually they’re grabbed from your scalp. These are then transferred to another area of your head that is blatantly bald. This is a simple procedure that requires minimal anesthesia. The healing process is fast so you don’t have to worry about hiding your scars for long. Any scar made during the procedure will be covered by the hair growth anyway.

There are many types of hair transplant procedures. The newest and most effective one is called the Follicular Unit Transplantation or FUT. With FUT, follicles are taken out based on their naturally occurring groups instead of individually. This way, you get natural-looking hair growth in the areas that need them. If you want to know more about this procedure, all you have to do is visit your dermatologist. Follicular Unit Transplantation is a simple procedure that can really change your life. Anyone who has baldness problems should definitely look it up.

Get permanent, natural looking hair through new surgical hair transplant techniques. Explore all your hair loss options and get all your questions answered. Visit and schedule a free hair transplant consultation.
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Tags: ups, centuries, healing process, malnutrition, female population, scar, many different things, men and women, hair follicles, hair growth, scars, male pattern baldness, wigs, bald spots, right solution, male population, alopecia, caps and hats