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Articles, tagged with "malnutrition", page 1

30th December 2011

Ways to Conceal Hair Loss

Hair loss is a persisting problem in today''s day and age for men and women alike. Most people blame it on shampoos that have harsh chemicals or stress but there are a plethora of other reasons that qualify as the main culprits as well. These include, hor...

15th August 2011

Charity For Children Give Our Youth A Better Future

The children are said to be the hope of the future which is the reason why they need all the love and support that they can get. Love and support is something that parents give to their children but the sad truth is that not all children have parents to t...

27th July 2011

We have best 1 week diet plan that really works

The Rice diet program plan may possibly be a radical way of considerably decreasing your salt intake and losing pretty a couple of We have best 1 week diet plan that really works within a brief quantity of time. By studying to steer clear of these frequen...

23rd March 2011

One Amazing Solution - The Sun

If you are over the age of 5 and have not noticed by now a few imbalances and inequities in our society regarding economics, the "Haves" and the "Have Nots," you are not from this planet. As our government drags us kicking and screaming into the black hol...

22nd November 2010

The power to change- Madhu Pandit dasa

Today, about 44% of our children in the age group of 0-5 years are malnourished, about 50% never complete class X and only 12.4% of them go to college. Akshaya Patra is a programme to tackle this challenge. Today we provide a hot, unlimited mid-day meal t...

10th November 2010

Visiting a Hair Transplant Doctor: The Best Way to Save Your Hair

Your hair is no doubt the icing on the cake, if you will, of your whole look. Without it, your overall appeal wouldn’t be the same. For this reason, you should always take care of your hair. It should always be healthy, clean and well groomed. However, ha...

10th November 2010

Fighting Baldness With Hair Transplant Procedures

People are prone to baldness as they age. This is due to many different things, like stress and malnutrition. But the most common reason for baldness is androgenic alopecia. Androgenic alopecia is more commonly termed as male pattern baldness because it m...

10th November 2010

Hair Transplant Cost FAQ

Men and women all over the world are very much interested in hair transplantation. Why is this so? This is because many people suffer from baldness. Baldness used to be only prevalent in the ageing male population. These days, however, baldness is no long...

27th May 2010

Tooth Implants - Pros and Cons

A teeth implant is 1 of the most efficient and functional plastic dentistry processes and the finest selection to substitute missing or dropped the teeth. Teeth burning in a typical difficulty in millions of folks globally. If you have missing the teeth, ...

22nd December 2009

Diet and cystic acne relationship

I have heard of many people who claim to have solved their Cystic Acne problems through diet, but unfortunately it doesn't work for everyone. There is some ambiguity on what a "good diet" consists of. For example, some diets are not too keen on grain and ...

21st December 2009

Hair Loss and a Healthy Diet

Nutritionists say you can improve your hair's health by feeding hair what it needs to be healthier from the inside out. While the quality, quantity, and distribution of your hair is genetically pre-determined and cannot be changed, solving hair malnutrit...

10th December 2009

The Current Status of the World in Hunger

Where does starvation exist in the world today? What are some causes of hunger in the world? Citizens of developed countries donating monetarily to the ongoing relief efforts? In this article I will address these issues with the hope that by creating an u...

06th June 2009

Are You At Risk Of Bowl Cancer…?

Do you get stomach pains, feel tired, urgently have to use the toilet after eating? Do you suffer from nausea, mouth ulcers, diarrhea, bloating, wind, or constipation? Do you have headaches, depression, bone and joint pain, weight loss, or anemia? ...

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