The Craft of making a Good Home Video

By: rickey36 | Posted: 21st October 2010

Knowledge of the camcorder, its switches, and their functions and dexterity to operate the same with your eyes closed is necessary. You should also learn to use light to your advantage. Good video is all about clear images with your subjects well lit. Use a tripod whenever possible to avoid shakes and better image stabilization.

Each occasion has its own uniqueness and you should plan the script. To do this you must have an in depth knowledge of the people you are going to shoot and their relations. Then make a list of the important events that needs to be covered. Visit the location and list out the vantage points that will give your camera the best view of the event. You might have to seek the permission of the estate owner.

Birthday Videos and Wedding Videos are special events that families treasure years after, repeatedly, and require special planning and careful attention of the key details. The understanding of the key events, selecting the shots and the coverage of the crowd, contribute towards the success of the production. The indoor shots needs careful attention as bad light conditions can affect the quality of the shoot. Judicious selection of filters can enhance the quality of the video. The elderly audience should be given due coverage so that the memories are cherished years after when they cease to exist. Think of punching the still shots of the Birthday or Wedding DVD to change the pace of viewing in the form of a Birthday or Wedding slideshow of major events.

A tribute video can be a Memorial Video, a Reunion Video, or even a Funeral Video. It is essential to know the background of the people involved and their achievements in the form of small anecdotes. A collection of still photographs from the earlier albums comes handy. These earlier photographs added to the video in the form of a story associated with the photo, brings alive the memories of the past and makes the video informative and interesting. The more the anecdotes, the more interesting the video turns to. Make sure that comments and jokes intended to liven the video does not hurt any sentiments.

Beach shower videos are outdoor shoots and under strong sunshine, use of filters to tone the picture becomes essential. Shower Video One can also use filters to change day into night and create interesting effects. While shooting indoors one should carefully plan the lights.

There are only certain guidelines but no general rules to make a good video. One should be attentive, observant and opportunist to grab that interesting event which give a new dimension to the viewers.

When we make a video, each aspire his work to match the genius of an Alfred Hitchcock or Charlie Chaplin or Steven Spielberg or Akira Kurosawa. Making a good Wedding Video, a Tribute Video, or a Birthday Video depends on the ability to create an interesting story. It should capture the sequence, interjected with humorous episodes and plenty of sweet memories for cherishing years later.

Contact for more details just visit my website Wedding DVD
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Tags: images, audience, pace, photographs, careful attention, crowd, important events, memories, uniqueness, dexterity, shakes, tripod, anecdotes, depth knowledge, switches, tribute, vantage points, image stabilization