Some Of The Best Fillers For Wrinkles

By: jsocratous | Posted: 14th October 2010

Who does not want a youthful looking skin! When we so those pesky looking wrinkles and fine lines on our face, we make a beeline to the nearest cosmetic counter and buy those anti-aging creams and lotions that will work wonder for your skin.

We also start visiting our dermatologist hoping that their treatment and suggestions will reduce the appearance of wrinkles in our face. One of the suggestions offered by the dermatologist often is fillers.
There are many types of wrinkle fillers in the market and the best fillers for wrinkles will give you the youthful appearance you are looking for within some days of the treatment. They can surely turn the hands of time back, so as to speak. The most stubborn creases and lines will seem to magically vanish with one afternoon spent at your local plastic surgeon! The best fillers for wrinkles can do it with one session itself. If you are now considering this treatment to get rid of your wrinkles here is a list of some of the wrinkle fillers you can choose from that are going to deliver the best plumping property to smoothen out even the deepest wrinkle you have.
Harvested Fat
One of the most popular best fillers for wrinkles comes from your own body! Fat harvested from your body, commonly from your abdomen area will be directly injected under you skin to smooth out those pesky deep wrinkles. But the problem with this type of fillers is that it is not long staying. The human body reabsorbs the fat injected and so you have to go back again for another session. Still it is preferred by many as it has little chance of rejection complications which sometime happen with synthetic fillers.
Poly-L-Lactic Acid
One of the most popular spas in southern California, Stevens Institute has said that if you want harmless wrinkle filler; go for Poly-L-Lactic Acid fillers. This filler will thicken your skin and improve the appearance of wrinkles. The fillers are injected just under your skin and its result will be there for the next two years! Another great thing about this filler is that, you don’t need to go for a skin testing before being treated with this filler.
Hyaluronic Acid Gel
Our body has a natural component called hyaluronic acid. It is this acid that gave your skin its elasticity and glow when you were young. One of the best fillers for wrinkles is made from this acid and when injected into your skin, it plumps up those wrinkles that mar your appearance by making them less defined. You can expect the result to stay for the next six months to one year. Skin testing is also not mandatory with this filler; but if you suffer from severe allergies, it is better to avoid this filler.
Microscopic Calcium Crystals
One of the newest types of fillers that have proven to be very effective against wrinkles is the microscopic calcium crystals that are suspended in a gel format. As it does not contain any kind of animal proteins, it is fast becoming the most popular filler for treating wrinkles. You can see the results immediately and they are guaranteed to stay for the whole year. But you have to go for a skin testing before the treatment though allergic reactions are very uncommon.

Next, go watch this FREE Natural Face Lift Video that shows you how a 49 year old woman lifted her droopy eyebrows and eyelids and smoothed her forehead wrinkles in just 2 minutes a day! Here's the link:
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Tags: rejection, human body, youthful appearance, wrinkles, lotions, dermatologist, southern california, plastic surgeon, abdomen, little chance, body fat, creases, anti aging creams, spas, hands of time, beeline