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Articles, tagged with "plastic surgeon", page 1

01st November 2012

Examining the Career Development Route That is Followed by People Who Want to Become Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery experts earn quite a hefty sum of money for their services. The plastic surgeon's fees often make up a majority of the amount spent by those who avail of their services for any type of surgery. Proof of how lucrative it is would be the est...

03rd August 2012

Paralyzing Injections – Do Young Women Need Them?

What a racket! Whoever thought, then developed, paralyzing injections that freeze certain muscles using a neurotoxin is certainly a gizzilonaire by now. To think that men and women could fall for such an outrageous marketing gimmick is tantamount to b...

18th April 2012

Plastic surgery abroad with Medical Tourism Company in India- Travel Safe

Traveling abroad for plastic surgery is a serious decision and requires a lot of deliberation before one considers going abroad for a cosmetic surgery procedure. People who have travelled abroad always recommend travelling with a medical tourism compa...

27th March 2012

Outstanding Plastic Surgery That Will Leave Any One Satisfies

Contouring Beauty with San Diego Surgical Treatment Nobody comes into the world perfect. Most people have something about their physiques that they want to change. It could be an flaw due to family genes as well as an accident. You do not have to cover...

20th December 2011

Tips to promote Plastic surgery website

In today’s world having an eye catching website is very important to get good customer for your business. And for getting prospective visitors you will have to do search engine marketing (SEM) and when it comes to get business related to plastic surgery t...

06th December 2011

Five Quick Guidelines On How To Learn About Laser Liposuction Surgery

If you wish to know about laser liposuction, you could read periodicals in the library, research the internet, discuss laser lipo surgery with a medical professional, enroll in an education system on liposuction surgery, and inquire laser liposuction surg...

07th November 2011

Best Plastic Surgery From Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon

If a Beverley Hills plastic surgeon were available about two thousand years ago, Cleopatra would definitely have used his services to improve her stunning looks. Brief History From time immemorial, people have tried to look more beautiful and cosmet...

17th October 2011

Smartlipo, Noninvasive Liposuction

Cynosure’s development to Smartlipo laser assisted liposuction created a new, noninvasive way of removing stubborn areas of fat. Smartlipo is a new state of the art technology that have been created in 2006, and developed in various ways to offer better r...

09th September 2011

Eyelid Surgery Towards a Better Vision and Appearance

Eyelid surgery, or scientifically called blepharoplasty, is a procedure in cosmetic surgery that involves the removal of excess tissue in the eyelid which is desired to improve the function and overall appearance of the eye. The result may give a younger ...

07th September 2011

Botox and Rhinoplasty: Helping you Achieve Your Ideal Facial Features

Everybody loves to have beautiful facial features: expressive eyes, pouting and sensual lips, rosy cheeks and sharp nose. These are the qualities that comprise our idea of beautiful facial features. If we lack one of these, then such imperfection somewhat...

07th September 2011

Rhinoplasty: Preventing the Risks of Narrow Nasal Passage

People undergo different surgeries mainly to achieve aesthetic and functional gains. There are certain issues in our body that affect our health and we need to find time treating them. Having plastic surgeries is not always about being beautiful; when the...

29th June 2011

Considering Surgery For Cosmetic Reasons

No one is perfect and everyone has flaws. When it comes to appearances, everyone looks different yet a lot of people want to change their bodies to look like other people. They either change to look like the celebrities they see or they try to fill in wri...

21st June 2011

Ways Of Locating The Top Plastic Surgeon

If you wish to have a plastic surgery to make you feel and look better, finding the best surgeon is very important. Locating any kind of doctor can be stressful especially if you are trying to find the top plastic surgeon in your locale. It is not a type...

20th June 2011

Plastic Surgery 101 - What You Need To Know Before Your Treatment

Cosmetic surgery has become very popular with people and this can also be attributed to the fact that celebrities all over the world are doing it. This has also been changed by the notion that this kind of surgery is done by every day people who are n...

20th June 2011

Plastic Surgery: A sin or a saint?

Whenever you hear ‘plastic surgery’, what comes to your mind? Is it a Hollywood celebrity who fears aging and thus undergoes plastic surgery? Or is it people who want change the size of their breasts, stomach, or other parts of their body? Or is it those ...

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