Reduce Wrinkles Naturally - 5 Simple Ways to Look Younger Without Surgery

By: Kris T. Lee | Posted: 13th October 2010

You may not be able to eradicate the wrinkles on your face completely but you can certainly reduce its appearance or even postpone its onset. One of the fastest ways to remove wrinkles is to undergo cosmetic surgery. However, this alternative is not for everyone unless you have deep pockets and are not afraid of pain. To prepare for cosmetic surgery, one has to research on the procedure, look for a respectable and dependable plastic surgeon, go through detailed consultation and take time off from work for recovery.

There is no doubt cosmetic surgery is a speedy way to get your facial wrinkles smoothened but there are actually other ways to diminish the appearance of wrinkles on your face. These methods do not require a huge monetary investment, there is also no down time involved. All it takes is a little adjustment in your lifestyle and habits. Here are 5 small changes you can do to prevent or reduce wrinkles naturally.

1. Avoid the sun
You’ve probably heard this from your mother too but I can’t emphasize enough the importance of avoiding the sun to reduce wrinkles on your face. The sun emits Ultraviolet (UV) rays which cause an increase in intensity in a skin enzyme, metalloproteinase. This skin enzyme breaks down collagen and results in wrinkling of the skin. You should avoid excessive sun exposure between 10am to 4pm when sunlight is strongest. If you have to be in the outdoors, try to walk or stay in the shade whenever possible.

2. Use sunscreen
Using sunscreen is one of the best ways to prevent or lessen wrinkles. You should use a sunscreen frequently, even while you’re indoors as UVA rays can penetrate glass. If you sit next to the window at work, be sure to put on sunscreen if you want to prevent premature aging. And don’t be fooled by cloudy days. UV light can penetrate cloud cover, make sure you put on sunscreen even when the sunlight doesn’t seem as strong.

3. Wear tightly-woven fabrics
Do not neglect the skin on your body just because you have sunscreen on you face. Wearing tightly woven, dark colored apparels will give you enhanced protection against the sun than loose-weaved, light colored clothes. If you’re going sleeveless, keep in mind to put sunscreen on your arms and back of hands. Apply sunscreen on your neck too if you want to reduce unpleasant wrinkles on your neck. Wearing a broad brimmed hat or cap provides further sun protection for your face.

4. Avoid smoking
Do consider quitting smoking if you are a smoker. Premature aging and skin wrinkling has been observed in smokers, in particular female smokers. Smoking produces free radicals and induces proteins that breakdown collagen and elastin. Smoking also results in moisture loss and a decrease in the level of vitamin A on our skin. Quitting smoking is another critical step towards reducing wrinkles.

5. Sleep on your back
You may dismiss this as a myth but experts have cautioned that sleeping in some positions every night for years will sooner or later lead to wrinkles. Sleep lines – the wrinkles caused by sleeping with your face on the pillow, will ultimately become permanent. People who sleep on their sides will see those wrinkles appearing on their chin and cheeks. Those who sleep face down on the pillow generally end up with forehead wrinkles or furrowed brow. To diminish wrinkles, the best way is to sleep on your back. Sleeping position might not be easy to switch over night but with a little determination, you’ll be able to get used to a new sleeping position after a few weeks.

Discover more tips on how you can reduce wrinkles naturally by downloading a free report "Secrets to an Ageless Face". Visit the Anti-Wrinkle Blog to learn more about wrinkle prevention tips and natural anti-aging solutions.
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Tags: no doubt, small changes, sun exposure, cosmetic surgery, plastic surgeon, uv rays, sunlight, collagen, intensity, fabrics, down time, deep pockets, uv light, monetary investment, uva rays, facial wrinkles, premature aging, cloudy days, excessive sun exposure