Treating Facial Redness and Blemishes for Healthy Looking Skin

By: prtt75 | Posted: 13th October 2010

Beautiful skin begins with healthy skin, and healthy skin must be treated carefully to prevent redness and blemishes. For women who are already suffering from redness and blemishes on their face, this can be treated as effectively as clear skin. The problems of redness and blemishes begin in the deeper layers of the skin, and that is where women need to begin their treatments. Understanding how the skin is made up can help you to understand how the best treatments will work for you.

What Is Skin?

Our skin is the body's largest organ made up of two layers; the dermis lies beneath, out of sight and is the provider of blood and oxygen to our skin. The outer layer is the epidermis, it controls the protection sensors of our body against dirt, bacteria, pollution, and fine particles we do not wash away or are blown onto our skin.

What Does Skin Do?
Our inner body is protected by the skins sensory receptors which warn of danger such as extreme heat and cold, sunlight, and even stressful situations; those little hairs that stand up on the back of your neck when you feel threatened or wary, are the skins defense warning system. When we sweat because of heat or shiver because of the cold, it is the body temperature regulatory system designed within the skin that is reacting.

The above factors all play havoc with the conditions of your skin and cause the redness, blotchy patches, and skin blemishes. By understanding the causes you can treat the skin more effectively because you will know what is needed; there are several remedies available, you want to be sure you are using the correct one.

When the skin is dried out from the elements, you need a skin care regime which features cleansing creams which are hypoallergenic, and non-abrasive. Using a circular motion only, cleanse the face twice a day, rinsing well after each use. Never scrub harshly at your skin; this will aggravate the irritated skin which is causing the redness and blemishes as a reaction to outside irritants. The rest of the body's skin can be cleaned and made healthy using a mild liquid cleanser in the shower. Using a soft textured sponge use circular motions on the skin and rinse well, always pat dry, and never rub briskly.

After you have dried off, applying a quality cream moisturizer created from natural ingredients, without perfumes or chemical additives can be applied to all skin surfaces. Facial moisturizers are designed to be used on the facial skin alone, with added vitamins and minerals designed to nourish the skin, and heal deep within the dermal tissues at the cellular level.

At bedtime, cleaning the face of makeup and applying a night cream can give your facial tissues time to absorb the creams while you sleep.

Remember to drink plenty of water during the day, hydrating from within can help your body flush away toxins that can irritate the skin. Keeping your body hydrated helps keep the body's metabolism running at a high speed, and helps the cellular growth rate high.

Keeping the skin healthy by watching your diet, drinking plenty of fluids, and keeping the skin clean is the way to clear the irritations that cause reddened skin, blemishes and marks on the skins surfaces. You can have beautiful, glowing, perfectly toned skin with a few minutes spent each day, using the right quality skin care products.

For natural face care products, please visit We carry natural skin redness treatment products for all skin types.
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Tags: body temperature, healthy skin, stressful situations, hairs, beautiful skin, out of sight, dermis, clear skin, circular motion, extreme heat, layers of the skin, skin blemishes, warning system, skin care regime, irritated skin, shiver, abrasive