Lose Belly Fat

By: crgargan | Posted: 04th August 2010

You have been preparing for the summer vacation to the beach, gettting a nice tan, buying plenty of swimsuits for the beach and you feel great about them....until you look at yourself in the mirror without a shirt. You see that layer of fat sitting right around your stomach and waist. Don't feel bad about this because you are not alone. I have had this same problem for years. I do my best to get rid of that layer of fat every year and it is not easy. The fat around my stomach has always been there and i hate it because its what keeps me from getting that six pack. I take my shirt off and look in the mirror and see a great body, except for that roll right on my stomach.

At first i thought the best way to get rid of stomach fat was to do stomach exercises. It seemed logical to me. After all we all have heard about doing crunches and long, painful abdominal workouts to get a 6 pack. However, i soon found out that that was not going to work at all. In fact it produced the opposite results as i had wanted. Yes working out my abs did increase the size of my abdominal muscles and did develop a "six pack" but, it was not what I had wanted. When the muscles started to develop they increased the size of my abdominbut because I still had that layer of fat they just pused the fat farther out. So, even though i had gained muscles on my stomach it appeared as if i had gotten fatter becasue the fat only got pushed farther out...not gotten rid of.

I was upset that after putting all that effort into exercising I still hadnt reached the results i had hoped for. After a lot of research I found several tips that have helped me get closer to my goal and you will be suprised on what it actually takes to lose that belly fat. The best way to get rid of that stomach fat is not actually through ab workouts. Im not saying not to work out your abs because i do that myself but, the trick to getting that six pack is through cardiovascular workouts. No matter how big your abs are you will never see them if they are covered by a layer of fat. Your body does not reduce one spots fat without reducing the fat from other areas too. The fat goes on and comes off in layers. By getting rid of the fat all over your body your stomach will get rid of its fat too. I began a full body workout to compliment my jogging (cardio workout) and with some help from friends I have been able to finally get that beach body i have been working my whole life for

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Tags: mirror, abdominal muscles, swimsuits, six pack, summer vacation, ab workouts, cardiovascular workouts