Ten Easy Ways to Recycle

By: seo.marketingzen | Posted: 21st July 2010

With the way man has abused the environment, people need to find newer and better ways to Recycle. If everyone continues to act irresponsibly, there might not be anything left for the future generation. Sure, you've heard this line repeated over and over again in the past. Maybe, you've even grown sick and tired of it. But you'll continue to hear people yelling it out as long as no one does anything about it. Right now, environmental organizations have been formed to make people more aware of the way the earth is going south. But it seems as if it's still not enough. Things are continuing to get worse.

So what can you do? As individuals, here are a few ways to recycle. While you won't really make much of a difference, at least you'll also know that you're actively playing a role.

1. Make sure to segregate your trash. Put all non-biodegradables in one bin. As for the trash you can recycle, check out organizations that accept these materials. You'll be surprised at just how many people are willing to accept this second-hand gift.
2. Keep a bin handy and put all the recyclable materials there. Toss those empty bottles and boxes there and think about how you can use these.
3. If you have more than enough old bottles and boxes that you're already reusing, donate these to art institutes or orphanages. There are also organizations that feature mainly recycled art. These are resold in the market and the money earned often goes to charity.
4. Stack papers with blank sheets on one side. You can use these to save phone messages. You even can do your grocery list on them. Just stack the similar-sized sheets together and buy the binding glue in your nearest bookstore. That way, you have your very own writing pad on your desk. People no longer mind that you use old sheets. After all, recycling has been encourages since time immemorial.
5. Reuse grocery bags for your next trip. Many stores offer discounts if you have your own bag available. Not only are you doing something good for the planet, but you're also saving money in the long run.
6. Start planting. You can use coffee grounds and ashes as compost. Moreover, plants add life to a place.
7. Instead of buying a rag, you can use tattered clothes to clean your house.
8. Drink water from a container. That way, you don't leave anything after meals and you will always have something to hydrate your body whenever you're on the road.
9. Donate old books and magazines to charity. Knowing that you've helped will make you feel like a better human being.
10. Keep garbage from smelling by putting lemon rinds in them. Don't buy new plastic bags to cover your garbage with. Instead, you can also use the grocery bags you've kept when you were out buying household materials.

Phoneraiser is a fund raising company that collects old cellphones, used ink cartridges, and PDAs. In return, you get cash while saving the environment.
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Tags: sized sheets, glue, bookstore, charity, stack, phone messages, recycling, future generation, somethin, grocery list, grocery bags, empty bottles, recyclable materials