Cosmetic Companies Do Not Have To Tell You If There Are Animal Products In Your Cream And Lotions.

By: Rene Whitlock | Posted: 16th July 2010

Preparing your own beauty products appeal to the concerns of animal lovers and vegetarians. You will be certain there has not been testing performed on animals, and there are no animal products within your products.

You may not realize it, but you may be applying animal products on your skin when you are purchasing off- the- shelf creams and lotions.

This is why:

Inside the commercial soap making industry, the majority of the soap on the market is made from sodium tallowate (also known as beef fat).

Glycerin is the by-product of soapmaking. When the commercial soap is manufactured, the glycerin is removed from the soap. This is a very valued product of soapmaking and is actually more valuable than the soap itself. It will be removed and sold as an ingredient to cosmetic companies. That explains why the glycerin that has been extracted, is almost certainly from animal fat.

Usually consumers don't know that there is certainly animal based glycerin within their products. The label don't even have to specify the place that the glycerin originated from, or whether it's animal or vegetable.

Unless you are purchasing an authentic Vegan or Vegetarian cosmetic, chances are your cosmetic has animal glycerin in it.

Another reason why it is advisable to produce your own personal product is due to animal testing.

If you notice a label on a cosmetic product that says "this product is not tested on animals", then you feel good about what you are buying.

Stop for a minute and think about it. The finished product has not been tested on animals, that's great, but how about the ingredients?

The preservative within the product has probably been tested on animals, the other synthetic ingredients have probably been tested on animals too.

Sadly, animal testing is inexpensive and easy.

It really is hard to know if a manufacturer uses animal testing. Chances are, if the ingredient has been developed inside a lab(synthetic), it is probably tested on animals.

It is also best if you look into the company you are purchasing the ingredient from. I check their supply list, and when I see additionally they supply animal cages and restraints, I won't do business with them.

When you make your personal bath and body goods, you get to choose both everything you put on your skin and the suppliers you will support.

The best and easiest strategy to start changing how your skin looks and feels, is to begin with handmade soap. You can be positive you have no animal products in your soap, it has not been tested on animals because you are using natural oils and are not adding any harsh chemicals such as the commercial soap companies do.

You'll have marvelous, silky, healthy skin because the valuable glycerin is still intact.


If you would like to learn more about healthy ingredients along with some wonderful recipes for your skin, please join "Taking Back Your Skin", a 6 part email series.

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Tags: consumers, glycerin, beauty products, finished product, lotions, animal products, vegetarians, preservative, vegan, animals, sodium, animal lovers, cosmetic product, cosmetic companies, animal fat, synthetic ingredients, animal testing