India will shine only when every poor will shine : Rahul Gandhi

By: pressbrief | Posted: 12th July 2010

16 April 2009
Congress General Secretary Rahul Gandhi while addressing a rally in Machalipatnam(AP) said that the UPA government at Centre had done a lot for the Poor, Dalits and Backwards of this country. He said that his party will not say that India is shining but he will do everything possible for the benefit of the Poor. Congress General Secretary said that five years ago the NDA government boasted that India was shining but it was shining only for a few people in Delhi and Hydarabad. It was shining for a few politicians and businessman, not for the Poor and Dalits of the countryside.He said that the opposition does not go to the houses of the Poor and the people showed them the door.
Congress General Secretary said that India will only shine when a every poor regardless of his caste and religion will shine. He said that he had spent time in the houses of the Poor and worked for them. He said that India has progressed in last five years but there is still lot of work to be done.
Congress General Secretary said that he would not give them thousands of promises. There is only one promise that Manmohan Singhji and Soniaji will fight for the Poor and defeat poverty. He promised that the Congress government will make next five more better for the Poor. There will be bigger projects for the poor and bigger budget for their education.
He said, that as long as there is a single poor in this country Soniaji, Manmohan Singhji and he himself will be standing by his side. He appealed to people to vote Congress in Loksabha and assembly elections.

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Tags: benefit, promises, businessman, countryside, poverty, india, politicians, caste, opposition, rally, general secretary, rahul gandhi