Fundraising is the Same as Friendraising

By: jfgrant | Posted: 12th May 2010

Every contribution made or volunteer that works with you is made through a relationship with your charitable organization. The charity that builds the strongest bonds builds a solid network. Here are a few tips charities and businesses can use to create solid friends and networks.

In order to get more volunteers and keep them active in your school or non profit fundraising event you need to make them feel important. In order to keep corporate donors and long term donors interested in your cause you have to keep them interested by having giving relationships with them. No one will continue to give you effort if his or her efforts are soon forgotten.

Let us take a look at a few ideas to keep your volunteers and donors vibrant and plugged into your cause.

Their Contribution is Important

There are two reasons people contribute to your charitable organization; they have been affected by the cause or they have a relationship with the people involved at the charitable organization. The first reason you have little control over but by keeping people informed and made to feel that their contributions have changed lives makes them feel important.

You can add to their feeling of helping out by showing them what their contributions have changed. Stress the emotional aspect the next time you send out a newsletter. Interview one of the recipients of your money gifts. Show your donors how the money they donated has helped overcome hurdles and improved lives.

Your Donors understand that the issues are complicated and the battle will be long. What they do want to feel is that good work is being done and the money is being well spent.

Your Organizations Open Door Policy

Invite your prospects to your functions. When your charitable organization puts on its next annual meeting, lecture or workshop give your donors a call to let them know. If you can open these meetings as a public event and ask them to attend without directly asking for money will let them see how responsible you are with their money.

A Look Behind the Curtain

Take your donors on a tour of your facilities. Again this is another open door policy by being transparent in what you do. It also makes your donors feel like they are getting to peek behind the curtain. Show them they are so important to the success of this organization you are showing them backstage.

Ask for Their Input

Ask them for advice on a certain topic. Take them aside and ask them for help in a certain area that they would specialize in. Many people would feel that they could lend a hand to your organization. This would be a great idea to transition people from donors to volunteers. The number one reason people don't volunteer more is that they simply aren't asked.

Jolian Grant is owner and operator of referalcode=ART1">http://www.justfundraising.comHe has over 16 years experience helping schools, churches and youth groups achieve their fundraising goals. To date Jolian has helped raise over 45 million dollars for charitable causes. Check out the justfundraising/charity blog at
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Tags: prospects, relationships, relationship, bonds, charity, stress, hurdles, fundraising event, charities, volunteers, charitable organization, emotional aspect, volunteer