We must stop the abuse and protect the rights of people. Why do we allow bad things happen and nobod

By: Alberto Stellpflug | Posted: 20th April 2010

(1888PressRelease)Is responsibility of every, and each one of us, not to be in silence when we see abuses and lack of justice with defenseless people: elderly, citizens with needs, and I would also like to mention "undocumented people"; people like us, with same feelings dreams and needs. That is the main reason for them to be here: to pursue their dream of achieve a better life, with dignity and without hunger or.

Thought the time, I have been always state that is fundamental to live with high ethical standards not offending anybody, and always helping the less fortunate. We should always be aware of not offend any person.

In this opportunity I would like to share an interview with you all. This interview took place in Miami Florida a week ago. In this occasion I was very explicit about some issues, situations and lack of interest in the needs of our country, particularly in our community.

Is responsibility of every, and each one of us, not to be in silence when we see abuses and lack of justice with defenseless people: elderly, citizens with needs, and I would also like to mention "undocumented people"; people like us, with same feelings dreams and needs. That is the main reason for them to be here: to pursue their dream of achieve a better life, with dignity and without hunger or lack of education or medicines, just like any other human being that deserves to live his/her life with dignity.

Dear friends: I would like to deeply apology if I aggravates any of you with my words, but I truly believe that an individual must demonstrate not only with words but with facts that we want to contribute to make this society and this world a better one for us to live.

Thank you very much to dedicate your time to read this message and please share it with anyone that is important for you.


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Tags: hunger, feelings, miami florida, dear friends, dreams, silence, medicines, better life, lack of interest, dignity, apology, lack of education