Top Five Reasons You Should Join Squidoo

By: Patrick Hayes | Posted: 24th March 2010

For those of you who have not had the chance to register at you should take this opportunity to do so. Squidoo is a site providing users the ability to create lenses (single web pages) on any topic they choose. You can write on the best uses for used socks or how to pick penny stocks. If you can imagine it, you can write on it. Below are the top reasons why you should drop what you are doing right now and sign up for a free account now.
1) You can make some additional cash
Yes you read that correctly, you can make money. When you create your lens you can get creative and add Amazon or Ebay product lists and earn a portion of all revenue earned from sales that your visitors generate. Each lens also has a number of Google ads displayed throughout the page. In order to be equitable, Squidoo distributes all Google ad revenue based on the amount of traffic that your lenses generate. The more page views you get, the more of the total Google ad pie you receive.
2) It's really fun!
The best part about is that it allows you to share your knowledge on any topic that interests you. Because there is such a varied populace in this great world of ours, there is a excellent chance there is someone out there who wants to know about your favorite uses for leftover sweater lint. Since you can select any topic of your choosing that interests you, how can it not be fun!
3) It helps out charity
There is no better feeling than assisting a great charity. donates five percent of all website proceeds to charity. You also can choose to give a portion of your earnings to donate to a charity of your choosing. What a great opportunity to have some fun and make a difference.
4) It's a great strategy for backlinks to your website
For those of you who have your own website or blog, offers an excellent opportunity to increase your Google page rank and website traffic by promoting it on your lens. Many SEO experts believe the Squidoo links do a great deal in improving your search engine ranking. You should also do as much as you can to cross promote your lenses within Squidoo.
5) It's a good workout for your brain
A great side effect of building your Squidoo lens is that it forces you to learn as much as you can about your subject. Often times you end up becoming more of an expert then you started because you take the time to learn more about your subject. This of course is good exercise to keep your brain young and active.

Looking for an example of a Squidoo lens? Checkout this page all about the The Mentalist
. So what are you waiting for? Sign up for your free account and create your first lens today. Check out this lens for more ideas on creating your automatic income strategy.
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Tags: google, page views, web pages, own website, google page rank, earnings, amazon, single web, seo experts, ebay, proceeds, charity, backlinks, populace, socks, penny stocks, lint, squidoo