Are Beauty Products Going Unisex?

By: sam lowe | Posted: 11th February 2010

There was a time when the idea of men wearing makeup was an absurd idea that was restricted to weirdoes and musicians (often also weirdoes). Makeup and cosmetic products were the domain of women and that was that. However, it's a new age and the idea for many is that in many places it's not unacceptable for men to have a bit here or there.

And why should it be so absurd? A couple of hundred years ago monarchs and noblemen often used vast quantities of makeup. Although this was often to hide the marks caused by syphilis. Closer to modern times and you can see that musicians have been wearing makeup for years. Bowie might have been at the forefront of make up for men, but it was the glam rock era of the 80's where musicians really went mad for over the top makeup. Think about Motley Crue and especially KISS. Of course you can argue that much of this was just a gimmick and is not the same as a bit of blush here or there, but it certainly played a part in paving the way for modern musicians.

It doesn't end there either. What about movies? If the film industry is anything to go by then pirates wore copious amounts of eye shadow. It's pretty standard practice now for actors to wear a bit of make up here and there. And this isn't just for photo shoots but out in the streets. TV presenters get in on the act too and some have made the make-up part of their look. Russell Brand has definitely taken the use of make-up for men out into the open and many others are following suit.

More and more you see men out in the street, a little bit done up and cosmetic companies have certainly begun to take notice. Cosmetic companies have started to develop ranges of make-up from eye-liner to eye shadow targeted at men. Of course there is still make-up available for women with rimmel cosmetics offering an extensive range. Other companies also offer great deals on eye liner and shadow such as Elizabeth Arden cosmetics.

It seems like times certainly are changing and it is becoming more socially acceptable for men to turn out in a bit of make-up. But then again, it might just be another fad.

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Tags: gimmick, eye shadow, cosmetic products, paving the way, copious amounts, photo shoots, blush, film industry, eye liner, cosmetic companies