By: Johnnie Echolee | Posted: 11th February 2010

Feeling and looking bloated in your mid-section? Maybe you have a build-up of waste products in your colon.

The solution to this problem is to try a colon cleanser which will help you lose weight and feel better in the


The colon is the part of the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract) that forms waste matter that is eliminated from

the body. The last areas of the colon, the descending colon and the sigmoid colon, can hold waste matter for

longer periods of time than the beginning parts usually do. This is where a problem can begin with constipation.

If the stool remains in the these areas of the colon for too long a time the colon which begins removing fluids

from the waste matter at thte beignning in the asscending colon, continues to remove fluid throughout the length of

the colon. This causes the stools to become dry and hard and more difficult to eliminate.

If constipation is your issue you may need to help your colon release the waste matter that is developing in

your colon. This is how a colon cleanser can help. A colon cleanser will encourage the more difficult to release

waste to move along the rest of the colon. A colon cleanser will help you lose weight by cleansing your large and

small intestines of all the toxins that are found in the food and our environment. The result is that you lose

weight and gain energy. It has been a diet which has given great results to Hollywood celebrities such as Jennifer

Anniston, Jessica Simpson and Angelina Jolie. Would you like to look like those three women? You can if you try

the right colon cleanser and you can even try it for free. Just vist the website by clicking the link located

below to begin your free trial. About the Author
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Tags: free trial, periods, mid section, angelina jolie, toxins, constipation, stools, gastrointestinal tract, gastrointestinal, waste matter, gi tract, jessica simpson, three women, hollywood celebrities, colon cleanser