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Articles, tagged with "gastrointestinal", page 1

13th August 2012

Enjoy the New Findings Anti Ageing & Healthy Life

Welcome to Lifestream Health, we have been involved in Natural Health for over 20 years with continuous research to support and develop vibrant health To do this, we use science, experience and the Ancient Biblical Principles for health and wellbeing. We ...

26th August 2011

Abnormal Weight Loss - The Most popular Reasons That It May Happen

If you're losing abnormal amounts of weight it would be wise to be worried. There are so many potential causes that it really takes a visit to the doctor to know for sure why this is happening. Because prolonged weight loss can make your body become malno...

17th June 2011

Disability Tax Credits Credit for Persistent Pain Condition

Continual ache or disorder is a fairly unusual variety of disability, not the least because even the doctors are divided concerning its definition and good reasons. Commonly, any discomfort which lasts more than six months is termed persistent pain. Some ...

15th June 2011

Soup Diet Tips The Way A Fine Diet Plan Can Lessen The Damage Caused By Trans Fats

Most folks don’t recognize this yet, but quite a few of us have been consuming Trans - fat that have long been identified to have side effects on the human body. There was compulsory labeling of foods that contain trans - fats because of this health issue...

06th August 2010

Extreme Diets Rarely Work

A good reason why most people cannot carry on with fad diets for much time is because the dietary recommendations are too complex to undertake. Over a sustained period of time, it is hard to maintain severe imbalances in your daily eating pattern, as peop...

14th May 2010

Bowtrol Probiotics Review

Probiotics are living microorganisms; basically "good" bacteria. These bacteria can provide great health benefits from helping with allergies to allowing you to live longer. With all these benefits, there is no reason that you shouldn't include a probioti...

11th February 2010


Feeling and looking bloated in your mid-section? Maybe you have a build-up of waste products in your colon. The solution to this problem is to try a colon cleanser which will help you lose weight and feel better in the process. Th...

17th December 2009

Does Botox Really Last

How Long Does Botox Last? Botox injections are a great way to reduce the appearance of wrinkles on the face. More than 2 million Botox cosmetic injections are given yearly but the effects don't last forever. If you have plans of eliminating of those fr...

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