Does Consuming Sugar-Free Products Have Side Effects?

By: Arush Keerthi | Posted: 14th January 2010

Sugar free used in food usually contains artificially-synthesized compounds. Artificial sweetners are some times extracted from certain fruits, berries, vegetables, and mushrooms. It is often advertised to use them as substitutes for sugar and sweeten your foods that you consume.

It tastes good to eat chocolates with these artificial sweeteners. Maltitol is a sugar alcohol that is used as a substitute in most of the candies and chocolates. It may also include xylitol, mannitol and sorbitol contents in them. Beware of the side effects of these products. They are good to taste and replaces sugar but at the same time, eating them in large quantity will have laxative effect as well. Any thing that is eaten in right quantity is fine and do not have them in excess.

It was first invented in order to appeal those with sweet tooth but have problems such as diabetes. It tastes like sugar and does not release calories or metabolise. It also helps prevent problems which may have other wise occurred due to normal sugars such as dental cavity, diabetes, obesity and heart problems. In order to prevent these ailments and to appease your taste buds non nutritive sweetners were introduced. Sugar alcohols have been found to be a beneficial substitute for sugar for reducing glycemic response, decreasing dental cavities, and lowering caloric intake. These occur naturally in many fruits and vegetables but are most widely consumed in sugar-free and reduced-sugar foods.

It is but obvious that anything that is not natural will have side effects when it is taken in large quantity. Among the non nutritive sweetners, aspartame can have serious effects such as head ache, fatigue, vomiting, dizziness, nausea, cramps and mood swings. In the long run, they can have disastrous effect such as blurred vision, anxiety attacks, depression, muscle pain, lupus, cancer and multiple sclerosis.

Saccharin is another sugar substitute which has side effects. Few studies have shown that consumption can lead to bladder cancer, diarrhea, breathing difficulties, headaches and skin eruptions etc. Therefore, have such substitutes up to a limit and enjoy the flavour. Different assortments of food are available for everything you need for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Some select online stores carry candy, chocolates, drink mixes, protein bars, desserts and many other delectable snacks. With such a vast amount of scrumptious Sugar free Foods, you will certainly find everything you need to keep your taste buds satisfied.

Arush Keerthi, Expert author. Information on Crohns disease: Crohns Disease

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Tags: taste buds, fruits and vegetables, sugar substitute, caloric intake, artificial sweeteners, mood swings, laxative effect, heart problems, dental cavities, anxiety attacks, muscle pain, sugar foods, sugar alcohol, head ache