Why Most US Proven Home Business Systems Dont Really Work

By: philfaler123 | Posted: 11th January 2010

Once upon a time the American dream consisted of the ability to go out, get an education and actually be able to support yourself and your family. Yeah, little things like freedom from tyranny and religious diversity factored in there, but the bottom line is that we as Americans have always lived in the land of prosperity and promise. Wealth on demand is nothing new! It's just that now we're spinning it through the web instead of wheeling and dealing it from the back of a cart or the front of a board room.
It's nothing to go out on the web and find a home based business system. There are literally thousands of them out there, perpetuated by the thousands of affiliates that work with them! If all of these home based business systems are so successful, however, why aren't these people millionaires? What's stopping everyone from kissing their day job goodbye and making a fresh start out on the web or through offline sales?
The only thing stopping them is the fact that their "proven wealth on demand" isn't proven at all!
Most home based business systems are based on lies and propaganda. It's the sad truth. There are plenty of companies out there that have the potential to make money on the Internet. When you get right down to it, all of them have the potential to make money, both on and off the web. Hey, a guy got famous selling Pet Rocks! The problem is, many online companies have figured out that it's easier to make money off subscription fees than an actual product or service, and they're milking that for all it's worth.
If you're going to live the American dream and enjoy wealth on demand from a real, proven home based business system you need to find one that doesn't require you to front half your life savings, push memberships that no one needs or offer you big bucks on commission-because let's face it, when you're marketing a home based business system to millions of people all over the world the chances of you finding a proven system that's going to bring in hundreds of thousands of dollars a month in commissions within the first seven or eight months is pretty slim.
You're going to be wading through too much competition. The people above you are getting rich off you, you're not getting rich off your clientele! You'll get rich when you've managed to lure thirty or forty more people into their snare.
So, if you're going to get rich off a home based business system you're going to need to find one that actually delivers. Look for one that tells you you're going to have to work to build your business. Expect to take six months or more to show considerable profits, because unless you're either very lucky or very, very good, that's realism at its finest. When you've got a company that's dealing straight with you, and they are out there, you're going to find yourself in a position to actually enjoy having wealth on demand instead of just dreaming about it.
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Tags: bottom line, hundreds of thousands, home based business, millionaires, prosperity, day job, proven system, fresh start, sad truth, american dream, business system, business systems, subscription fees