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Articles, tagged with "american dream", page 1

14th March 2011

Are you Home Poor?

The nice American Dream has all the time revolved around proudly owning a home. Positive, having the 2.three kids, the soft corporate job and the fashionable car to drive to work everyday are part of the myth, too, however nothing fairly summed up America...

23rd February 2011

Aquilera Goofs Up the National Anthem

There are moments that arrive extremely almost never in a person's lifetime. An chance to sing The Star Spangled Banner at the Super Bowl is 1 of them. Christina Aguilera botched up her opportunity rather badly! In the past, she has lately been in the new...

28th October 2010

Dr. Robert Steele vs John Dingell for State Representative District 15 Michigan - Comments

JOHN DINGELL HAS LOST HIS WAY!!! John Dingell has lost his way and can't come across his way back to his constituents whom he promised to represent. He has carried out quite the opposite - he voted against the will in the individuals around the health car...

11th January 2010

Why Most US Proven Home Business Systems Dont Really Work

Once upon a time the American dream consisted of the ability to go out, get an education and actually be able to support yourself and your family. Yeah, little things like freedom from tyranny and religious diversity factored in there, but the bottom line...

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