Low Carbohydrates – Helps Burn Your Fat?

By: Arush Keerthi | Posted: 18th December 2009

If you are on a low carb diet and are trying to cut down on carbohydrates, you must make sure that you replace your high carbohydrates with some amount of carbohydrate and not completely avoid them. If you completely avoid them it you will be deprived of the essential nutrient and it would have drastic effect on your health. Do not deprive your body of its essential nutrients for the sake of weight loss.

Smaller amount of carbohydrates are found in certain food products, make sure these are consumed when you are on a diet.

-Coconut oil
-Olive oil or olives

Apple provides you the essential nutrients and keeps you energized. The anti oxidants that are present in them will not only help you keep your self away from the free radicals such as pollutants, fat etc. but they will also help you lose weight in the right way. Right way implies, losing weight with out being deprived of essential nutrients that is required for a healthy living.
In addition to this, soluble and insoluble fiber, flavanoids and vitamin C are also found in apple, oranges and grape fruits.

Olive oil is low in fat but has high nutrients to keep your body energized. These include monounsaturated fat, polyphenols and flavonoids which are essential for your body and helps burn calories. Some even use this in place of cooking oil in order to boost up the level of essential nutrients in the body.

Cashews: These are good for those who want to reduce carbo hydrate content in order to reduce weight. They have monounsaturated fat essential for your body.

Beware of certain things when you follow these diets:

One of the biggest risks with these diets are that once you have reached your goal weight and return to normal eating habits, the weight can come back on quickly if you have not learned the proper long term eating habits. 

The carrot has a high Glycemic Impact but a low amount of carbs per volume, meaning the carrot has a low glycemic load making this a great food for this low carb diet.  The Glycemic Impact Diet is based on a 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% from healthy fats.

Limit the amount of sugar and refined cereals in your diet. These contain high cholesterol levels. A healthy diet should contain a lot of water. Water is essential part of nay diet as it helps detoxify the body system. Whole grain is also a part of healthy dieting. Take alcoholic beverages sparingly.

Arush Keerthi, Expert author. For more information on: Thigh Fat Reduction

Get more information on: Stomach Fat Removal
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Tags: anti oxidants, free radicals, flavonoids, essential nutrients, eating habits, losing weight, food products, low carb diet, cooking oil, polyphenols, goal weight, olives, coconut oil, cashews