9/11 Tragedy, 9/11 Corruption, no 9/11 Answers

By: AliceBrooks | Posted: 08th December 2009

Year after year, we commemorate the 9/11 tragedy, remember the victims and condemn the perpetrators and their hate-based motives. But mainstream media mentions of questions and concerns from surviving victims and families are almost always avoided. After nearly a decade since the deadly destruction on U.S. soil, real investigative inquiry into the incident has not occurred.
If we are thinking people, it may make us wonder if some kind of 9/11 corruption cover up could be behind the failure to find the facts. The official conspiracy theory launched by the Bush Administration was parroted by the media once its wool was spun. However, said yarn still leaves a funny taste in my mouth. It failed to adequately answer or address the suffering survivors.

The White House's handpicked 9/11 Commission failed to answer 400 questions raised by the victims' families. In 2004, one year after the Commission released its report, these families held a Congressional briefing on the failings of the report, hosted by U.S. Representative Cynthia McKinney (D-GA).

In 2009 these family members a number of public figures join together to continue to call for answers on the 8th anniversary of the explosive events. A copy of their petition is here: http://www.911truth.org/page.php?page=2009_truth_statement.

Why was nothing done to respond to advance warnings of the attacks? Why were normal hi-jacking procedures ignored on THAT particular day? How could Flight 77 have flown so far of course toward the Pentagon without being detected and why was there no significant plane wreckage recorded at the sight?

I don't know if you have the answers but some people think that Washington insiders either turned away or assisted in orchestrating the events toward two ends. One was to boost support for invading Afghanistan and launching the ongoing Oil Wars of the 21st Century. The other, according to accusations, was to essentially eviscerate the constitutional rights of American citizens with the cowering consent of the mass majority, freaked by fear.

Does it sound farfetched that 9/11 tragedy could have been knowingly permitted by people in government? Career U.S. Army officer and Pentagon survivor, April Gallop, doesn't think it is far fetched at all. She is suing former Vice President Dick Cheney, then-Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and other officials at the time for conspiracy and cover up.

Amidst her evidence is testimony from numerous expert pilots. After studying the black box recording from the plane and other FAA evidence, they consider it impossible for the Flight 77 jet to have carried out the attack as asserted by the official conspiracy caper kept alive by Washington and the corporate media.
9/11 corruption also appears corroborated in New York where, indeed, airplanes were witnessed wading into the upper stories of the two twin towers. Yet eyewitness reports from rescue workers and news reporters readily found on YouTube also concur in consistently claiming of numerous explosions. They claim bombs blew up in other parts of this building that was built to withstand just such aerial impacts without structural damage.

Since the mainstream media is master at maintaining the official story, you may not have heard of recent reports from scientists on studies of dust and debris from the Ground Zero. The international investigative team was headed by Dr. Niels Harrit of Copenhagen University.

"Based on these observations, we conclude that the red layer of the red/gray chips we have discovered in the WTC dust is active, unreacted thermitic material, incorporating nanotechnology, and is a highly energetic pyrotechnic or explosive material," concluded the report which is summarized at http://www.911truth.org/page.php?page=2009_truth_satement.

No wonder victims and survivors of the 9/11 tragedy continue to call for a full study of events. Is it simply government incompetence in the United States which is to blame for the inconsistencies between conclusions and evidence? I suppose it's possible. Yet 9/11 corruptions could also be at the root of covering over the real conspiracy.

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Tags: corruption, accusations, constitutional rights, yarn, perpetrators, motives, american citizens, mainstream media, bush administration