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Articles, tagged with "bush administration", page 1

23rd June 2011

CNN’s War On Modern Day Slavery, A Noble Failure Or Self Promotion?

An article comparing the futility of CNN’s so called “war on modern day slavery” to that of the Bush administration’s “war on drugs”. It being a case where one was destined to be a dismal failure while the other will only achieve the goal of promoting CNN...

27th January 2011

Don't Mess With Taxes

Reading the letters on my piece advocating a national sales tax in place of the federal income tax, I'm starting to get some inkling of why nobody from the Bush Administration has called me about economic policy or even offered me the same sort of deal ...

02nd November 2010

The Obama Tax Cuts

Can we hear a little less about how Obama is just another tax-and-spend liberal? As the New York Times reported the other day, one third of the stimulus package consisted of tax breaks worth $116 billion, covering “95% of working families.” It also provid...

19th October 2010

The Military Is Shifting Towards Renewable Energy; Will We Follow Its Lead?

This is big news. Once again, it appears the American military will lead the way. Not only is it protecting us from our enemies in the campaign against terrorism, but it is also pioneering the fight against our dependence on fossil fuels. As the Ne...

07th September 2010

Ain't No Sunshine (And Solar Power) When The Political Class Is Involved

Singer Bill Withers once sang: "Ain't no sunshine when she's gone." Great song and the inspiration, along with a recent Associated Press analysis, for this article, indicating that there is no sunshine and no solar power when the Federal governm...

18th February 2010

Tax Changes in the 2011 Budget Proposal

If you check out the White House's budget webpage, you may be a bit confused. In large letters it states "A new era of responsibility - the 2011 budget." However, the subsequent budget calls for $1.6 trillion in deficit spending next year. It certainly ...

07th January 2010

After 1 Year, Obama vs. Reagan

As we approach the end of the year, we are also approaching the end of President Obama's first year in office. You might be wondering how he is doing, based on actual numbers (rather than political spin). Obama clearly inherited a difficult situation e...

08th December 2009

9/11 Tragedy, 9/11 Corruption, no 9/11 Answers

Year after year, we commemorate the 9/11 tragedy, remember the victims and condemn the perpetrators and their hate-based motives. But mainstream media mentions of questions and concerns from surviving victims and families are almost always avoided. Aft...

01st September 2009

You Cannot Borrow Your Way out of Debt; Tell that to Obama’s Economic Team

This nation is facing its worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of 1929. If things are not soon brought under control, we can expect widespread unemployment and rapidly declining real wages beginning by the summer of 2009. But the economic gen...

13th August 2009

What are goals presents Possible is anything that you need it to be

Anything is possible, both the good and the bad. Anything can and will happen whether you believe or not. By disregarding certain probabilities you stack the odds high against yourself, giving yourself no chance. While reading this I couldn't help thinki...

03rd August 2009

Obama's Cautious Approach to Reducing China-Taiwan Tensions - 2009

In recent Congressional testimony, Retired Admiral Eric McVadon, our former defense attaché in Beijing, revealed that how one forecasts the future of China is often a function of one’s leaning, either toward ‘China bashing’ or &ls...

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