The Best Natural Cures for Dark Under Eye Circles

By: Laurel Levine | Posted: 08th December 2009

Did you know the most popular natural cures for dark under eye circles are fresh cucumber or fruit slices? Do they work? If so, then why do they work? Those are the questions we answer in this article.

Reclining in a comfortable chair or lying on the bed with fresh cucumber slices on your eyes is relaxing and soothing. The coolness of the slices may reduce inflammation, in the same way that a cold compress would. So, bags under the eyes are smaller when the slices are removed.

The cause of the shadows that you sometimes see beneath your eyes is an accumulation of fluids, mostly waste products and hemoglobin. As the cooling compresses reduce the fluids, the shadows may also start to fade. But, that largely depends on the amount of darkness present.

At best, fruit or veggie slices are minimally effective against bags and shadows. Some of the effectiveness may be due to the antioxidants and flavones present in them.

Two flavones, found in a variety of plants and plant foods, have been extracted, isolated and examined by researchers. They are called Chrysin and hesperidin. Clinical research indicates that the flavones, when concentrated, are natural cures for dark under eye circles.

Flavones are a class of flavonoids, which are known to be beneficial to human health when consumed. Applying them directly to the skin for cosmetic purposes has not been a subject of a great amount of scientific research, but interest is growing. Products containing Chrysin and hesperidin have been available to celebrities for at least a decade.

Today, the secret is out. The ingredients are found in a number of "anti-aging" creams. The effectiveness varies, of course. But, when it comes to the natural cures for dark under eye circles, the flavones are the most effective. 52-80% of volunteers in various studies have seen the results that they wanted in 60 days or less.

So, they don't work immediately, but nothing does, except some cover-stick. It takes time to repair this damage, which is largely due to leaky blood vessels. The damage occurs over time, so it takes time to repair. Chrysin, in particular, is known to support blood vessel strength and health.

Make no mistake about it. Although Chrysin and hesperidin are not ingredients that you have in your kitchen, if you want natural cures for dark under eye circles that really work, those are the ingredients to look for. Otherwise, stick with the cucumber slices.

Laurel is a long time user and passionate advocate of natural skin care products. Visit her site now to discover cutting edge, anti-aging skin care products she recommends after extensive research: About the Author
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Tags: coolness, accumulation, antioxidants, flavonoids, comfortable chair, inflammation, darkness, cucumber slices, human health, hemoglobin, anti aging creams, natural cures, cosmetic purposes, bags under the eyes, clinical research, dark under eye circles