Major causes of Acne or Pimples

By: stherbb | Posted: 24th November 2009

Acne is a very ordinary skin condition. Luckily, acne is also a treatable condition. However, before you can easily treat your own acne, it is good to have an idea of what acne causes are upsetting you. This is why it is so important for you to study what causes of acne are having an affect on your skin.

Acne Causes - Hormonal Imbalances

Hormonal imbalances are known to be one of the number acne causes there are a number of dissimilar times in a person's life during which they may knowledge a hormonal imbalance. Some of these situations include pregnancy, menstruation and puberty. In many cases, sure medical conditions can also cause hormonal imbalances, such as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. If you think that there may be a situation in which hormonal imbalance are behind the causes of your acne, it is a good idea to ask a primary care physician or dermatologist. These hormonal imbalances are such well-known acne causes, it's likely that this could be the cause that you are experiencing acne breakouts is for this reason.

Acne Causes - Reaction to Bacteria

The skin's reaction to bacteria is another one of the most well-known acne causes the reaction that occurs is inflammation. Although you may not think that you feel this procedure happening, you do - through the form of pimples that become red, painful, itchy and/or swollen. There are many types of bacteria that the body can have a reaction to, ranging from its natural bacteria to bacteria that it encounters elsewhere. This is known to be one of the more common cause of pimples that occur on areas of the body as well the face, though it can happen to the face as well.

Acne Causes - Unwanted Oils

One of the hardest causes of acne to prevent are oils which come in contact with the skin keep in mind that the body has its own natural oils, but these or other unwanted oils can cause the pores to clog and, ultimately, cause acne. Keep in mind that your hair, pillow and hands are known to be a few of the leading acne causes related to unwanted oils.

Acne Causes - Rubbing of the Skin

There are many dissimilar acne causes that may be affecting you each day that you are entirely unaware of. These include anything that rubs against your skin. Some of the items that rub against the skin may contain certain articles of clothing (e.g. bras, turtleneck sweaters), backpacks and hats. It is significant to be aware of your surroundings in order to help determine what causes may be touching you.

These are just some of the many factors which are supposed the responsible cause of acne problem. If you have acne, it is likely that one or additional of these factors are to blame. Once you have figured out which causes are affecting you, treating an acne difficulty can be that much easier.

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Tags: acne, skin condition, puberty, pores, inflammation, pimples, acne breakouts, medical conditions, hormonal imbalances, hormonal imbalance, natural oils, care physician, primary care, ovary, types of bacteria, ovary syndrome